Thursday, February 27, 2014

Life Lately

Besides having a ton of fun with cousins and going to new places, our house has been very sickly.  It all started on a Friday night with Scott not feeling well.  He was down for 5 days. 

Then while all of this was going out, we had family come in town.  Then a trip to the Magic House and cousin sleepovers.  And then Gabe was down for the count.  He has been suffering major diaper rash and then a cold and a nasty cough.  Then he was pulling on his ears and not really eating much. 

The lack of eating from a typically good eater worried me.  We finally went to the doctor and there was slight inflammation in his ear.  But everything else was just a virus and has to run it's course.  Not words I really liked to hear.

Scott has recovered and is back to work after missing 2 days.  He is still a little tired but improving daily.  We are told he had a strain of the flu that is not covered by the shot.  I'm pretty sure he got it at the doctor's office on Thursday.

Gabe is improving.  I stayed home with him today to have a little more time to kick this bug's butt.  He is starting to seem more like himself as the day goes on.  We've had a great day together.  Lots of playing and helping me work.  It's going to be hard to leave him tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sara! It's Suze. You had asked me about what gym I take my son to, but you are a no-reply commenter so I couldn't reply! But we go to My Gym in Chesterfield- and we love it! I did a trial class there and at the Little Gym, and I liked My Gym most. I haven't tried Gymboree, but I've heard it's good too. My Gym has enrollment specials and discounts sometimes too.

    Anyway, glad we connected! If you have any other questions about it or anything, feel free to email me
