Monday, November 28, 2016

Oh Christmas Tree 2016

We had a great adventure getting our tree this year.
We had 2 wonderful helpers.  We decided to go the day after thanksgiving, it was chilly, but not terrible.  We arrived at Meert's tree farm around 10 and it was already crowded.
We hopped on a wagon and were on our way to finding the "perfect" Christmas tree. 
Once we got to the top of the hill, we remembered what kind of tree we wanted, we were not fans of last year's tree, and began our search.  We may have walked more than we needed to around the tree farm, but we took this as a time to wear the boys out as well. We looked high and low and then we found our tree.  

Scott and the boys dragged the tree all the way back to the tractor/wagon pick up.  We waited for a while and after 2 wagons came and left with no room for us, till we walked to the next stop.  Gabriel was a huge helper cutting down the tree that we let him hold the saw while we waited.  

Once we got back to the starting point, the boys went for a train ride and checked out the train village while I stood in line to pay.  As much as the boys like to see trains and play with them, getting in one for a ride without a parent is a different story.  
Cutting down our Christmas tree has been a tradition that I love sharing with our boys, no matter how big or small they are.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

We had an amazing thanksgiving this year. We had a 3 week old little boy that arrived on time and healthy.  We had family over at our house for dinner from St. Louis and Texas. 

My dad arrived on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and once he was here, Gabriel asked daily if it was time to cook turkey with Papa John.  He was excited about Thanksgiving.  It really was a great day.  The boys were able to play outside for a while in the morning while the big cooking preparations were being made.  We watched football and the dog show, we napped and waited anxiously for dinner.  

the kids table
First Thanksgiving with our new table

It was a great holiday shared with our family.  We cannot wait to celebrate again at Christmas!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Fall Walks

We took a lot of trips to parks this fall.  The season stuck around longer than normal and it would have been silly to not take advantage.  Plus we had Grammie staying with us and helping with Thomas, so trips to playgrounds were easy without a newborn.  Here are pictures from our walks, play times and fun exploring.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Thomas Quinn

We have 3 boys!  Wow!  Where do we begin on Thomas' birth story?  It was very quick.  We got the call from the hospital around 5am to come in for induction.  We arrived around 6:30 and by 7 they were starting the pictocin.  Since this was my third time being induced, my doctor told the nurse to double the meds to speed up the process.  Since they did that my nurse, Alex, stayed in the room with us most of the day.

We would watch the intensity of the contractions all day with little process and little pain.  Scott even worked on estimating the time of arrival of the baby based on contractions and how little I was dilated. They broke my water around 11am and I had my epidural around 1.  My doctor used the peanut shaped ball to help speed up dilation.  They came in to check on me because they could not see the baby's heart rate.  They checked me and it was time to push. It took 2 pushes in 4 minutes and we welcomed our third son, Thomas Quinn.  

We really could not believe it was a boy. Everyone was convinced we had a girl. Once he arrived we were in love with the tiny, cute, blonde boy.  

Welcome to the crazy Allenzotti family Thomas.

Still in shock that it's a boy

Going home - so tiny
At home snuggles

Monday, November 7, 2016

Bennett is 2

Bennett is 2!  I cannot believe just 2 years ago we were in the exact same position, a newborn and a 2 year old.  We knew we wanted to make the day a little more special for Bennett since Thomas came home the day before.  He needed some extra love and decorations.  
Bennett is becoming a sweet, lovable, funny, goofy, energetic, smart, snugly, athletic little boy.  He is currently obsessed with trains.  We ride them at the zoo, we watch Thomas the train, we go to the train store.  Anything with a train gets this kid going.  He loves to play with his older brother and is careful of his little brother.  He likes to go up to Thomas and say "he's so cute" in his high pitched voice.  Food is delicious when you ask him.  He will eat almost anything, very randomly he will stop eating and say " I don't like it" then continue to clear his plate.  He loves to wrestle with daddy and Gabriel, Daddy Piles are a favorite.  He gives the best hugs and snuggles to mom.  He loves it when his grandparents visit.  Then he is asking about them once they leave.  He is becoming a Husker Fan just like the rest of us.

For Bennett's birthday Scott took Bennett on an early morning adventure to Donut Drive-In.  Bennett was able to pick out his sprinkle donut and have some alone time with Daddy.  
For his party we just had Scott's dad and my mom at the house. It was my second day home with Thomas and we didn't want a big party (Gabriel didn't get a big party for his second birthday).  We opened presents and had cake.
  It was a great afternoon for the new big brother.  

Bennett's check up stats are:

Height - 36 inches - 88%
Weight - 27.6lbs - 38%
Head - 48cm - 29%

Basically, he is a tall skinny kid.  We knew that and wouldn't have it any other way.  Love you Little B, Jammers, Jammie's, Bubba, Bennett and the Jets!