Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The drive to San Antonio 2015

We had a great Christmas trip to San Antonio this year.  Of course there were a few hick-ups along the way.  On the day we were leaving, I was doing last might errands before picking up the boys and received a call from Jill, our sitter, stating that both boys had fevers.  Great!  And they were eating, Great!  So, I picked them up, picked up Scott and stopped at Walgreens for more Motrin and thermometer and got on the road.
Ready for the road, kinda.
The good part about the boys being sick is that they slept most of the drive to Joplin.  The bad part was that when they woke up they were so uncomfortable they just cried and I really wanted to just hold them.  Gabe did much better than Bennett when they were awake, which wasn't often.

We spent the night in Tulsa and it was a rocky night's sleep to say the least.  No one slept well.  One room for the 4 of us doesn't work.  As soon as someone stirred, everyone was awake.  We were calling the front desk at 5am to find out when breakfast would be served (6am!).  So we had an hour of trying to keep toddlers from getting into everything in a hotel room (fun!). 
Ahh, hotel life
We got on the road as soon as we could and headed to Dallas with a stop in Norman, OK.  We made it to Dallas for lunch with my friend, Kelly.  We met her at a park so the boys could run around and burn some energy for the last part of the drive.  This was a great idea except Gabe was coughing, Scott was sneezing and Bennett wouldn't let me put him down.  The boys had allergies and were exhausted from whatever bug hit them.  As we tried to get out of Dallas we were stuck in traffic.  It took me an hour to get from Plano to 35S to leave downtown Dallas.  It was miserable.  Scott and Bennett took naps, Gabe was awake the entire hour of being stuck in traffic.  It was an experience. 

Then once we were through Waco we hit more traffic.  TXDot has been working on making I35 wider for a few years now and there is huge progress, however, it still completely sucks to drive that stretch before a holiday.  This year we actually got off the highway for a bit a drove the frontage road.  It worked well until we had to get back on the highway.  Somewhere north of Austin my tire pressure light came on.  We thought it was just low from the cold/hot/cold weather change. 

We arrive in San Antonio around 7pm that night.  It was a long day in the car for everyone.  The boys just wanted to get out and play and Scott and I just wanted to sleep.  After a delicious Rudy's dinner the boys went to bed and Scott and I followed shortly after.

The next morning the boys woke up at 5am ready to go.  And since we didn't want to wake my parents we decided we should go to Starbucks to let the boys play and us get out of the house.  We barely made it out of the driveway when the car didn't feel right.  I pulled a U-turn and back to the drive our car went with a completely flat tire!

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