Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Cookies

It's that time of year again!  Christmas cookie time!  I spent a lot of time this past weekend in the kitchen making cookies and listening to Christmas music.  I started with sugar cookies.  I never have a recipe handy so I'm usually googling the easiest recipe.  I threw everything together and then let the dough chill over night.

I started rolling out the dough Sunday morning, but it wasn't the best.  It was too sticky and needed a little more time to warm up to room temperature before it wouldn't stick to the counters and take the shapes I wanted.  But after a little patience the cookies were baked and ready for frosting.

I found a three ingredient recipe for frosting in a cookbook we have at home.  The red dye went in and I started frosting about half of the cookies.  It tasted a little too much like the powdered sugar and less like the vanilla that I had added.  So, I'm finding a new recipe for the green frosting.

I continued the tradition of making "No- Bake Cookies."   These are by far the easiest ones to make.  I think I may have added a little too much cocoa.  They are extra chocolatey, but I don't think anyone is complaining much.  I was able to start and finish these cookies on Saturday before I started wrapping gifts.

Yes, Saturday was a full blow Christmas day.  The shopping, the wrapping, the cookies, and of course the music!

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