Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Bateman Legos at the bookstore

Back in January I found out that Barnes & Noble was doing a promotion with the Bataan Lego movie, I knew Gabriel would love it.  Lately, he has been into superheroes and had been telling us he wanted a Bat,an Birthday.  We arrived a little early and decided to check out the kid books first.  That ended up giving us 20 minutes to play at the train table.  Bennett was in heaven playing.  Gabriel kept wanting to find the Batman stuff.  After playing with the trains we headed over to the Batman table.  There were a lot of kids there and the Legos were smaller than the Duplos we were used to, but it was fun.im not sure if I'd go back with both boys, but Gabriel enjoyed it.

Lastly, this outing might look like a fun time by all.  However, when it was time to leave Bennett decided to run away from me.  I chased him from the back of the store to the front, Gabriel ended up helping me trap him.  It took all I had to not become that irate in public parent.  But, oh boy, once we got in the car I let him have it.  He didn't learn the next day he did the same thing at Walgreens.  Grr, Bennett, grr.

Monday, January 30, 2017


I am not a fan of January.  I'm pretty sure I say this yearly.  It's a forever long month after a seasons of fun and busyness. So, since we didn't do much during the month here is all the random pictures of the boys.

Thomas learned to smile.  He is usually a pretty happy kid.

The older boys are still pretty into him.

Gabriel and Bennett have been playing outside when the weather allows.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

First tub bath

Thomas had his first big kid bath.  No more freezing his cute tooshie on the kitchen counter.  I'm sure he is excited about that.  
At first he was not too sure about what was going on. He warmed up with some help from his brother.  Overall, we are a fan of the big kid baths.  And I've remembered how easy it is to bath a 2 month old. It's much easier than dealing with bath toys and bubbles and kids that never want to get out.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Icy weekend

The weatherman said the ice is coming, school was cancelled and Scott worked from home.  Before the storm started I managed to get to the gym and then the grocery store.  This was the first time I had  gone grocery shopping before a storm, there was a decent amount of bread and eggs, but slim pickings in the cinnamon roll department.  I think I took the last one.

The ice arrived sooner than expected, around 10am.

They expected it to be an epic storm, it wasn't horrible.  We didn't leave the house on Friday and swim lessons were cancelled on Saturday.  By Sunday we were ready to get out.

To kill time at home we watched movies and Scott did yoga and some cross fit with the boys.  That actually helped burn needed energy.  We've been lucky to escape anything major, although the boys really want some snow.  Maybe boys, maybe.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

2 Months for Thomas Q

Thomas has hit the 2 month mark.  It really is amazing how fast this time goes. With the holidays the time goes even faster.  We have started the New Year and trying to figure out new routines.  For the most part Thomas has gone with the flow.  However, he recently decided to start a nursing strike, this was not fun for me.  Thankfully, I did not give up nursing and pumped like crazy to keep up with this growing boy.  I think he didn't like the fact that I had gone swimming and smelt like chlorine when I tried to feed him.  I'm hoping this is the case and will try to remember that should another strike happen. 
Thomas has his 2 month doctor appointment on the 10th, so I do not know his stats.  If i had to guess, this kid will be at the top of his weight percentiles.  He is already gaining the baby fat rolls and chunky cheeks.  It's adorable and amazing that he is growing this fast considering how tiny he was when he was born. 

Thomas has recently started smiling when he is looking at us.  It's great seeing him interact with us.  He loves to nap on his belly, yes back is best, but I love a good 3 hour nap.  Me. T or T Rocks has started to enjoy playing on his play mat.  His brother like to help him with the rings.  Like Gabriel and Bennett, Thomas has had a bit of tummy troubles.  Scott has figured out how to rub his belly to relieve the pressure and get some happy smiles.  His brothers still love to kiss on him and even want to hold him.

2 month stats:
Height- 25inches (99%)
Weight - 12 lbs 14oz (56%)

We have a tall, skinny kid.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year

We start the year out right by going to dinner with another couple, my friend Loreen from high school and her husband, Dustin.  Last year we went to Kobe and had the entertainment of the hibachi dinning.  This year we opted for a nice steak dinner at Flemings.

Scott and I had never been to Flemings and were delighted in the choice to go there.  The food did not disappoint.  The calamari, steaks and desert were amazing!  We will definitely add this to our steak restaurants of choice.

The boys spent the evening entertaining Nana and Grandpa Ron while we were out.  It was awesome to come home and they were asleep.  Although Thomas' first night feeding is usually around 11, he decided to wait till midnight to wake up.  It was probably the first time in a few years that we were awake at midnight.  I listened to the fireworks people around our house set off and then I feel back asleep.  Overall, it was a great way to celebrate the new year.

Happy 2017!