Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Icy weekend

The weatherman said the ice is coming, school was cancelled and Scott worked from home.  Before the storm started I managed to get to the gym and then the grocery store.  This was the first time I had  gone grocery shopping before a storm, there was a decent amount of bread and eggs, but slim pickings in the cinnamon roll department.  I think I took the last one.

The ice arrived sooner than expected, around 10am.

They expected it to be an epic storm, it wasn't horrible.  We didn't leave the house on Friday and swim lessons were cancelled on Saturday.  By Sunday we were ready to get out.

To kill time at home we watched movies and Scott did yoga and some cross fit with the boys.  That actually helped burn needed energy.  We've been lucky to escape anything major, although the boys really want some snow.  Maybe boys, maybe.

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