Wednesday, January 4, 2017

2 Months for Thomas Q

Thomas has hit the 2 month mark.  It really is amazing how fast this time goes. With the holidays the time goes even faster.  We have started the New Year and trying to figure out new routines.  For the most part Thomas has gone with the flow.  However, he recently decided to start a nursing strike, this was not fun for me.  Thankfully, I did not give up nursing and pumped like crazy to keep up with this growing boy.  I think he didn't like the fact that I had gone swimming and smelt like chlorine when I tried to feed him.  I'm hoping this is the case and will try to remember that should another strike happen. 
Thomas has his 2 month doctor appointment on the 10th, so I do not know his stats.  If i had to guess, this kid will be at the top of his weight percentiles.  He is already gaining the baby fat rolls and chunky cheeks.  It's adorable and amazing that he is growing this fast considering how tiny he was when he was born. 

Thomas has recently started smiling when he is looking at us.  It's great seeing him interact with us.  He loves to nap on his belly, yes back is best, but I love a good 3 hour nap.  Me. T or T Rocks has started to enjoy playing on his play mat.  His brother like to help him with the rings.  Like Gabriel and Bennett, Thomas has had a bit of tummy troubles.  Scott has figured out how to rub his belly to relieve the pressure and get some happy smiles.  His brothers still love to kiss on him and even want to hold him.

2 month stats:
Height- 25inches (99%)
Weight - 12 lbs 14oz (56%)

We have a tall, skinny kid.

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