Scott has been doing a few last-minute home improvements around the house. After Mike and my FIL came out to move the mantle and hang the new tv in the living room, we decided that we should fill the new hole in the wall and make sure that is baby safe.
Now all we have to do it tape, mud and repaint the entire living room. Good thing I got a great recommendation for a painter from work.
The other bit of house work that we have put off for a while has been putting the railing back on the wall going to the basement. But with the kid on the way and both of our dad's using that rail to get around the house, we thought it was best to re-install it. So after fixing the hole in the wall, Scott reattached the hand rail.
So now that we have that done we can sit back and do nothing major for a while. Next up on our to do list is new flooring on the main floor of the house. Maybe a spring or summer project.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
39 weeks
After our 39 week appointment we have a end in sight. If the kid decides he/she does not want to come out then I will be induced on February 11th. That makes me feel like I have some control. So the next week is going to be a wait and see game. The baby is dropping, I measured 37 at my 38 week appointment and yesterday I'm at 34. I can feel more pressure and I'm getting kicked/nudged a lot lower than I was the previous weeks. Still no real Braxton Hicks contractions, I'm told they are going to increase this week. But we are as ready as we can be. My goal is to work till I go into labor, I think I may work 1 more week and then just relax and sleep as much as I can till the baby arrives.
Coming down to the wire, your baby weighs around seven to eight pounds and measures 19 to 21 inches. Those measurements won't change much from now on, but its brain is still growing at an astonishing rate, a pace that will continue for the first three years of life. Its pink skin has now turned whitish (even babies who'll eventually have darker skin appear whitish now — they haven't yet developed pigment). Its head may have dropped into your pelvis by now, which makes your breathing easier but walking harder.
The end (and a whole new beginning!) is in sight, so watch for the signs that your body is ready to get the show on the road. These include Braxton Hicks contractions; the rupture of the membranes (water breaking) that contain your amniotic fluid; the loss of the mucous plug (the “cork” of mucus that seals the opening of the uterus); and the bloody show (your capillaries rupture from the dilation and effacement of your cervix, causing any discharge to appear pink or red-tinged). Labor could be close (but no cigar — yet!).
More frequent Braxton Hicks contractions: If you’ve been experiencing these practice contractions, they may be getting stronger now. But if you haven’t had a contraction yet, don’t worry. Braxton Hicks contractions are more common in second (and subsequent) pregnancies. I still haven't really felt major contractions. I'm told that should increase this week.
Slowdown in fetal activity: As her living quarters become more cramped, you may notice a slowdown in fetal movement. Your baby’s coordination has improved and he’s less likely to make involuntary jabs (even if he had the room). There is still plenty of movement with this kid especially at night.
Heartburn or indigestion: Your heartburn may be at its peak now. Don’t worry, relief is around the corner when you deliver. For relief now, drink liquids before or after meals instead of during. I haven't had too much heartburn during the pregnancy and the acid reflux seems to be slowing down.
Rupture of membranes (possibly): Another sign that labor may be near — if your amniotic sac breaks and gushes out fluid. But don’t worry about causing a flood while you’re standing in the grocery checkout line. Despite what you’ve seen in movies, most women are in labor (and in the hospital) by the time their water breaks. If yours does break, call your practitioner. This has not happened, if so I'd be at the hospital.
Diarrhea or nausea: As your body gets ready for childbirth, the muscles may loosen in your rectum, resulting in loose bowel movements. You may also suffer some nausea. It’s important to keep drinking water to avoid dehydration. I've been drinking a lot of water these days.
Pelvic pressure and discomfort: Your baby’s head is putting pressure on your pelvis, making you feel uncomfortable. Other symptoms of discomfort could include menstrual-like cramps and indigestion, which can also be signs of early contractions. I get an occasional cramp here or there, nothing horrible. I do feel added pressure when I'm walking around.
Backaches: Your backaches could be worse now as you count down the final weeks. You can soothe a sore back by getting into the shower and letting the warm water pulse onto your back. My back starts to hurt when I'm getting up from sitting or laying down. Nothing that doesn't fade away once I'm moving.
Your Baby in Week 39 of Pregnancy
Coming down to the wire, your baby weighs around seven to eight pounds and measures 19 to 21 inches. Those measurements won't change much from now on, but its brain is still growing at an astonishing rate, a pace that will continue for the first three years of life. Its pink skin has now turned whitish (even babies who'll eventually have darker skin appear whitish now — they haven't yet developed pigment). Its head may have dropped into your pelvis by now, which makes your breathing easier but walking harder.
Your Body in Week 39 of Pregnancy
The end (and a whole new beginning!) is in sight, so watch for the signs that your body is ready to get the show on the road. These include Braxton Hicks contractions; the rupture of the membranes (water breaking) that contain your amniotic fluid; the loss of the mucous plug (the “cork” of mucus that seals the opening of the uterus); and the bloody show (your capillaries rupture from the dilation and effacement of your cervix, causing any discharge to appear pink or red-tinged). Labor could be close (but no cigar — yet!).
Week 39 Pregnancy Symptoms
More frequent Braxton Hicks contractions: If you’ve been experiencing these practice contractions, they may be getting stronger now. But if you haven’t had a contraction yet, don’t worry. Braxton Hicks contractions are more common in second (and subsequent) pregnancies. I still haven't really felt major contractions. I'm told that should increase this week.
Slowdown in fetal activity: As her living quarters become more cramped, you may notice a slowdown in fetal movement. Your baby’s coordination has improved and he’s less likely to make involuntary jabs (even if he had the room). There is still plenty of movement with this kid especially at night.
Heartburn or indigestion: Your heartburn may be at its peak now. Don’t worry, relief is around the corner when you deliver. For relief now, drink liquids before or after meals instead of during. I haven't had too much heartburn during the pregnancy and the acid reflux seems to be slowing down.
Rupture of membranes (possibly): Another sign that labor may be near — if your amniotic sac breaks and gushes out fluid. But don’t worry about causing a flood while you’re standing in the grocery checkout line. Despite what you’ve seen in movies, most women are in labor (and in the hospital) by the time their water breaks. If yours does break, call your practitioner. This has not happened, if so I'd be at the hospital.
Diarrhea or nausea: As your body gets ready for childbirth, the muscles may loosen in your rectum, resulting in loose bowel movements. You may also suffer some nausea. It’s important to keep drinking water to avoid dehydration. I've been drinking a lot of water these days.
Pelvic pressure and discomfort: Your baby’s head is putting pressure on your pelvis, making you feel uncomfortable. Other symptoms of discomfort could include menstrual-like cramps and indigestion, which can also be signs of early contractions. I get an occasional cramp here or there, nothing horrible. I do feel added pressure when I'm walking around.
Backaches: Your backaches could be worse now as you count down the final weeks. You can soothe a sore back by getting into the shower and letting the warm water pulse onto your back. My back starts to hurt when I'm getting up from sitting or laying down. Nothing that doesn't fade away once I'm moving.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
St. Louis says good-bye
“Here stands baseball’s perfect warrior. Here stands baseball’s perfect knight.”
How much can one city love you? When it comes to Stan Musial it's infinite. He was the perfect fit for a baseball crazed city. He knew he would stay in St. Louis and build his family here long after baseball. And the city truly appreciates all he has done.
I first remember hearing about Stan when I was little and getting into baseball. I grew up in the same neighborhood where he bought his first 2 homes while playing for the Cardinals. It was a thrill for us kids to ride bikes past his old houses and know that a legend lived there. Then once I really understood baseball, I was able to grasp the magnitude of how great of a player he was, without the hype that Yogi, Joe, and Mickey got.
Stan Musial has been gone for a little over a week and there are still no plans to take down the memorial around his statue at Busch Stadium. And every day on my way to work I get to see a city paying tribute to "baseball's perfect knight."
[caption id="attachment_2661" align="aligncenter" width="225"] Lumiere Casino pay tribute to The Man[/caption]
Thursday, January 24, 2013
38 Weeks
How your baby's growing:
Your baby has really plumped up. It weighs about 6.8 pounds and it's over 19 1/2 inches long (like a leek). It has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test when you hold its hand for the first time! Its organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb.
Wondering what color your baby's eyes will be? You may not be able to tell right away. If it's born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If it's born with steel-gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time it's 9 months old. That's because a child's irises (the colored part of the eye) may gain more pigment in the months after it's born, but they usually won't get "lighter" or more blue. (Green, hazel, and brown eyes have more pigment than gray or blue eyes.)
How your life's changing:
For many women, the next couple of weeks are a waiting game. Use this time to prepare your baby's nursery or to take care of necessary tasks you may not get around to for a while after your baby's born. Take naps, catch up on your reading, and spend uninterrupted time with your partner while you can.
Some swelling in your feet and ankles is normal during these last weeks, but call your practitioner without delay if you notice excessive or sudden swelling of your feet or ankles, more than slight swelling of your hands, any swelling in your face or puffiness around your eyes, or have a sudden weight gain. Also let her know immediately if have severe or persistent headaches; visual changes (such as double or blurred vision, seeing spots or flashing lights, light sensitivity, or a temporary loss of vision), intense upper abdominal pain or tenderness, or nausea and vomiting. These are symptoms of a serious condition called preeclampsia.
After our 38 week appointment I am still only 1cm dilated. So the doctor thinks that I should still be after my due date. So that gives me just over 2 weeks left. It is nice to see the light at the end of the tunnel, however, I'm getting more and more uncomfortable every day. The good news from the appointment is that my blood pressure is back down after being high last week (we celebrated a birthday at work just before the appointment) and my weight gain has stopped.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
More Home Improvements
We have changed our house a little more this past weekend. After having my friend Kelly in town the previous weekend, she gave us a few new ideas on how to rearrange our living room to make it more user-friendly. With that baby due to arrive any day now, but most likely in a couple of weeks, we had a sense of urgency to get it done ASAP.
Scott built a mantle and placed it on the main wall of the room about 5 years ago. He loves it and doesn't understand why not too many other people like it. I am one of those people who thinks it sticks out and serves no real purpose to the room, unless it's Christmas. We do not have a fireplace for this to go around and therefore, it's taking up a valuable room and limiting furniture positions. That being said, Kelly suggested a few ways for us to both be happy and get better use out of the room when the baby arrives.
I left the house early Saturday morning to get my oil changed and gas in the car. When I came home, Scott was already measuring on the wall, moved the furniture and was waiting on Mike to arrive. A little after 9 Mike was unloading his car with his tools and they were working on the game plan. They moved the cable wire, outlet and surround sound wires up the wall to sit behind the new TV that we bought. My FIL arrived shortly after the measuring started and was there to help reposition the mantle.
Clearly, everyone got the memo on wearing navy to work on the house. The mantle survived the move from one wall to the other. And it's now about 5 inches lower than before. However, no one would be able to know the difference. Scott and I had to leave to attend a "Preparing your pet for baby" class. When we returned home we found the mantle was hung on the wall, all wire were hidden and the tv was mounted. We couldn't believe how nice and more functional the room looked.
Scott built a mantle and placed it on the main wall of the room about 5 years ago. He loves it and doesn't understand why not too many other people like it. I am one of those people who thinks it sticks out and serves no real purpose to the room, unless it's Christmas. We do not have a fireplace for this to go around and therefore, it's taking up a valuable room and limiting furniture positions. That being said, Kelly suggested a few ways for us to both be happy and get better use out of the room when the baby arrives.
I left the house early Saturday morning to get my oil changed and gas in the car. When I came home, Scott was already measuring on the wall, moved the furniture and was waiting on Mike to arrive. A little after 9 Mike was unloading his car with his tools and they were working on the game plan. They moved the cable wire, outlet and surround sound wires up the wall to sit behind the new TV that we bought. My FIL arrived shortly after the measuring started and was there to help reposition the mantle.
Clearly, everyone got the memo on wearing navy to work on the house. The mantle survived the move from one wall to the other. And it's now about 5 inches lower than before. However, no one would be able to know the difference. Scott and I had to leave to attend a "Preparing your pet for baby" class. When we returned home we found the mantle was hung on the wall, all wire were hidden and the tv was mounted. We couldn't believe how nice and more functional the room looked.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Amazing Friends
We have some amazing friends and family. I arrived home from work on Thursday night to find a Pack and Play sitting at our door. I couldn't believe someone had bought that for us. Then I went through my list of friends and family and could not figure out who sent it to properly thank them. After some texting with my mom and removing the contents of the box, I finally found a 210 area code phone number on the delivery sticker. Then the search through my phone for a matching number came up empty. More texting with my mom followed. We finally found the matching number. The family that I spent a lot of time babysitting in San Antonio had sent us the Pack and Play. We couldn't me more thankful of them for send that gift. It just made me miss the girls even more.
On Friday night I and planned a last hurrah with my old Lindenwood co-workers. Scott and I headed over to my old Director, Sandi, aka mom, house for drinks and catching up with everyone. After we got there and chatted for a while I was informed that there were presents for baby A. I couldn't believe the planned a surprise baby shower for us.
We got some cute outfits and more bath stuff. It was a complete shock to Scott and I that they had planned all of this. We are extremely grateful to have such generous and wonderful friends and family in our lives.
On Friday night I and planned a last hurrah with my old Lindenwood co-workers. Scott and I headed over to my old Director, Sandi, aka mom, house for drinks and catching up with everyone. After we got there and chatted for a while I was informed that there were presents for baby A. I couldn't believe the planned a surprise baby shower for us.
We got some cute outfits and more bath stuff. It was a complete shock to Scott and I that they had planned all of this. We are extremely grateful to have such generous and wonderful friends and family in our lives.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Full Term Kiddo (37 weeks)
After going to our 37 week check up, not much has happened. I'm still only 1 cm dilated, however the head has dropped. Which I could tell a while ago. The doctor said that I will most likely go into labor at or after my due date. So that means about 3 more weeks till we find out what baby A is.
I'm sleeping less and less, even with me monitoring my sugar intake after 4PM. From what I read this is completely normal. Why not forget about sleep when I need it the most? This is still the easiest pregnancy from what I hear. I'm not having many or any Braxton Hicks, I'm not waddling around, and I do not have heartburn or headaches.
A few fun facts about the kid's size
Baby is as big as a: Watermelon
Length, Weight: 19 to 22 inches long, about 6.5lbs
Symptoms: I can feel that the baby has dropped, my feet are swelling, even with my monitoring of salt, I haven't worn my wedding rings in a few weeks, nightly congestion, nightly tossing and turning, lots and lots of nesting (both Scott and I)
Congratulations! You've got what is officially considered a full-term baby, even with three weeks to go. That doesn't mean its finished growing — in fact, it's still packing on about a half pound a week (at this age, the average fetus weighs about 6.5 pounds). That makes it a little crowded in your uterus, so it's probably not kicking as much, though it's probably stretching, rolling a bit, and wiggling (all of which you’ll be able to feel!). Right now, your little superstar is busy rehearsing for its big debut, inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid (to get the lungs ready for that first breath), sucking his thumb (to prepare for that first suckle of milk), blinking, and turning from side to side.
Your body is going through its own preparations for childbirth as your practitioner starts looking for signs of labor. On the checklist: the baby's position in relation to your pelvis (engagement) and whether effacement (thinning of the cervix) and dilation (opening of the cervix) have begun. Your practitioner may also determine whether your cervix has begun to soften and move to the front of the vagina, another indication that labor is getting closer. Keep in mind that these processes can occur gradually (over a period of weeks or even a month or more in some women) or overnight. So while they're clues that you're indeed progressing, they're far from sure bets when it comes to pinpointing the actual start of labor.
Changes in fetal activity: By the time your baby’s head is engaged in your pelvis, it’ll have a lot less room for any more than a twist or squirm. What’s important is that you feel some movement every day. Remember, though, that your baby is behaving like a newborn now and has interludes of deep sleep, when it barely moves at all. This kid still likes to move around a lot. The kicks and jabs aren't painful but I can tell someone wants to get out and stretch.
Heartburn or indigestion: If your heartburn is getting worse these days, try eating a handful of almonds. Other home remedies that may banish the burn: a tablespoon of honey in warm milk or some dried papaya. I don't have heartburn, I tend to get more acid reflux or a feeling like a pill is stuck in my throat. A few Tums and I'm good to go.
Cervical dilation or effacement: To get ready for labor, your cervix will dilate (open up) and efface (get thinner). For some women, the two take place gradually, over a period of weeks or months. Others can efface and dilate overnight. You won’t be able to feel it, but your practitioner will be able to tell during an internal exam. I'm 1cm dilated for the second week in a row.
Varicose veins: If the veins in your legs are acting up now, try sleeping on your left side, which is the best position for optimum circulation. Also try elevating your legs by putting a pillow under your feet. Both positions will keep the blood flowing. Thanks to genetics, I can't tell what are new veins and what are the old ones that I've loving inherited from my parents.
Pelvic pressure and discomfort: If your baby’s head is pressing into your pelvis, hips, and bladder, you’ll feel more pressure as the week wears on. If you feel really uncomfortable, invest in a belly sling that will support the weight of your belly and take pressure off your back (see below) and pelvis. Standing and walking is when I can feel the pressure most of the time. My stomach and back don't hurt much. My hips are sore at night from all the weight on them while I sleep. Going to the bathroom every hour is a new-found hobby.
Leg cramps: If leg cramps are making a misery of your nights, try drinking more fluids during the day and make sure you’re eating enough calcium (those almonds you’re munching for the heartburn come in handy again!) and magnesium. All three can help with leg cramps. I have had a couple of leg cramps but nothing over the top. I'm drinking a ton of water daily and Tums for extra boost of calcium.
Stretch marks: With your boobs and belly (and possibly butt) as big as they’ve ever been, you’ve probably noticed those classic marks of maternity by now. Don’t worry, they’ll fade into silvery lines and turn into a badge of pride (or at least motherhood!) a few months after childbirth. What stretch marks? I have to be pretty lucky since I do not have one! And now I have just jinxed myself...
Forgetfulness: There are so many things to keep track of now (Is the camera charged and packed? Do you have a baby outfit washed and ready to bring to the hospital? How many dinners are stocked in the freezer?) that it’s no wonder you’re walking around in a fog. Post reminders around the house and on your computer so you won’t forget appointments. This is getting worse. Thankfully I remember to say things out loud to Scott or if I really need to do something, I have to write it down or Siri on the iPhone comes in handy. Remembering what questions to ask daycare and the doctor are getting harder and harder to do.
Difficulty sleeping: You’ve heard that pregnancy insomnia is Mother Nature’s way to prepare you for the sleepless nights ahead, but try to squeeze in some shut-eye so you have enough energy for childbirth and beyond. Sleep in a little longer, nap when you come home after work or on weekends, and give yourself a relaxing routine when it’s time for bed. I've been trying to lay around more. Which is hard to do when you are nesting. I am laying down for bed, and falling asleep by 9 (8:30 last night) but then I'm up for a few hours in the middle of the night.
I'm sleeping less and less, even with me monitoring my sugar intake after 4PM. From what I read this is completely normal. Why not forget about sleep when I need it the most? This is still the easiest pregnancy from what I hear. I'm not having many or any Braxton Hicks, I'm not waddling around, and I do not have heartburn or headaches.
A few fun facts about the kid's size
Baby is as big as a: Watermelon
Length, Weight: 19 to 22 inches long, about 6.5lbs
Symptoms: I can feel that the baby has dropped, my feet are swelling, even with my monitoring of salt, I haven't worn my wedding rings in a few weeks, nightly congestion, nightly tossing and turning, lots and lots of nesting (both Scott and I)
Your Baby in Week 37 of Pregnancy
Congratulations! You've got what is officially considered a full-term baby, even with three weeks to go. That doesn't mean its finished growing — in fact, it's still packing on about a half pound a week (at this age, the average fetus weighs about 6.5 pounds). That makes it a little crowded in your uterus, so it's probably not kicking as much, though it's probably stretching, rolling a bit, and wiggling (all of which you’ll be able to feel!). Right now, your little superstar is busy rehearsing for its big debut, inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid (to get the lungs ready for that first breath), sucking his thumb (to prepare for that first suckle of milk), blinking, and turning from side to side.
Your Body in Week 37 of Pregnancy
Your body is going through its own preparations for childbirth as your practitioner starts looking for signs of labor. On the checklist: the baby's position in relation to your pelvis (engagement) and whether effacement (thinning of the cervix) and dilation (opening of the cervix) have begun. Your practitioner may also determine whether your cervix has begun to soften and move to the front of the vagina, another indication that labor is getting closer. Keep in mind that these processes can occur gradually (over a period of weeks or even a month or more in some women) or overnight. So while they're clues that you're indeed progressing, they're far from sure bets when it comes to pinpointing the actual start of labor.
Week 37 Pregnancy Symptoms
Changes in fetal activity: By the time your baby’s head is engaged in your pelvis, it’ll have a lot less room for any more than a twist or squirm. What’s important is that you feel some movement every day. Remember, though, that your baby is behaving like a newborn now and has interludes of deep sleep, when it barely moves at all. This kid still likes to move around a lot. The kicks and jabs aren't painful but I can tell someone wants to get out and stretch.
Heartburn or indigestion: If your heartburn is getting worse these days, try eating a handful of almonds. Other home remedies that may banish the burn: a tablespoon of honey in warm milk or some dried papaya. I don't have heartburn, I tend to get more acid reflux or a feeling like a pill is stuck in my throat. A few Tums and I'm good to go.
Cervical dilation or effacement: To get ready for labor, your cervix will dilate (open up) and efface (get thinner). For some women, the two take place gradually, over a period of weeks or months. Others can efface and dilate overnight. You won’t be able to feel it, but your practitioner will be able to tell during an internal exam. I'm 1cm dilated for the second week in a row.
Varicose veins: If the veins in your legs are acting up now, try sleeping on your left side, which is the best position for optimum circulation. Also try elevating your legs by putting a pillow under your feet. Both positions will keep the blood flowing. Thanks to genetics, I can't tell what are new veins and what are the old ones that I've loving inherited from my parents.
Pelvic pressure and discomfort: If your baby’s head is pressing into your pelvis, hips, and bladder, you’ll feel more pressure as the week wears on. If you feel really uncomfortable, invest in a belly sling that will support the weight of your belly and take pressure off your back (see below) and pelvis. Standing and walking is when I can feel the pressure most of the time. My stomach and back don't hurt much. My hips are sore at night from all the weight on them while I sleep. Going to the bathroom every hour is a new-found hobby.
Leg cramps: If leg cramps are making a misery of your nights, try drinking more fluids during the day and make sure you’re eating enough calcium (those almonds you’re munching for the heartburn come in handy again!) and magnesium. All three can help with leg cramps. I have had a couple of leg cramps but nothing over the top. I'm drinking a ton of water daily and Tums for extra boost of calcium.
Stretch marks: With your boobs and belly (and possibly butt) as big as they’ve ever been, you’ve probably noticed those classic marks of maternity by now. Don’t worry, they’ll fade into silvery lines and turn into a badge of pride (or at least motherhood!) a few months after childbirth. What stretch marks? I have to be pretty lucky since I do not have one! And now I have just jinxed myself...
Forgetfulness: There are so many things to keep track of now (Is the camera charged and packed? Do you have a baby outfit washed and ready to bring to the hospital? How many dinners are stocked in the freezer?) that it’s no wonder you’re walking around in a fog. Post reminders around the house and on your computer so you won’t forget appointments. This is getting worse. Thankfully I remember to say things out loud to Scott or if I really need to do something, I have to write it down or Siri on the iPhone comes in handy. Remembering what questions to ask daycare and the doctor are getting harder and harder to do.
Difficulty sleeping: You’ve heard that pregnancy insomnia is Mother Nature’s way to prepare you for the sleepless nights ahead, but try to squeeze in some shut-eye so you have enough energy for childbirth and beyond. Sleep in a little longer, nap when you come home after work or on weekends, and give yourself a relaxing routine when it’s time for bed. I've been trying to lay around more. Which is hard to do when you are nesting. I am laying down for bed, and falling asleep by 9 (8:30 last night) but then I'm up for a few hours in the middle of the night.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Baby Shower Weekend
I had a wonderful baby shower this weekend and a great girls weekend with my out-of-town friends. It was a busy weekend and wouldn't have asked for anything else.
Sam and Kelly arrived Friday afternoon and the fun/catching up started then. I hadn't really spent much time with either of them since our wedding. We arrived from airport pick ups and chatted for a while then it was off to Gian Tony's for a wonderful dinner. Gian Tony's is by far one of the best Italian restaurants on the Hill, it also happens to be in my Great Zia's old restaurant. I may be a little biased. We caught up some more at dinner and then tried to see if Ted Drewes was still open for the season. We got very lucky, they closed on Sunday! Ted Drewes was one of the must go places for Kelly and Sam while they were in town and thankfully we managed to accommodate them.
On Saturday my friends hosted a baby shower for me at Joey B's. It was just what I wanted. It was low-key and everyone I wanted to see was there. We got a back table tha was private enough in case we got too loud.
[caption id="attachment_2612" align="aligncenter" width="223"] Diaper Cake from Nicole[/caption]
It was a great mix of old friends and new and no baby shower games, which was even better. We received some wonderful and needed gifts from everyone that came. I especially loved the "My first fish fry" onesie embroidered in St. Gabriel's blue and gold from Zipf. She was right, she did have the best/creative present there.
[caption id="attachment_2614" align="aligncenter" width="225"] My First Fish Fry[/caption]
After the shower, Kelly, Sam and I got much-needed pedicures and a little Target shopping. Then we met up with Scott and Mike at Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner, football and trivia.
On Sunday, we got ready fairly quickly so we could arrive at Crown Candy just as it was opening for lunch. I have never been there when it opens but it was well worth the rush. We walked in and got a table without having to wait in the 25 degree cold. I had taken Kelly to Crown Candy before and somehow I had never taken Sam. I think she liked it and she even bought some extra candy on the way out. We dropped Sam off at the airport and killed a couple of hours at home with Kelly and getting her design expertise around the house. We now have a few project that we are planning on doing before the baby gets here in three short weeks!
Sam and Kelly arrived Friday afternoon and the fun/catching up started then. I hadn't really spent much time with either of them since our wedding. We arrived from airport pick ups and chatted for a while then it was off to Gian Tony's for a wonderful dinner. Gian Tony's is by far one of the best Italian restaurants on the Hill, it also happens to be in my Great Zia's old restaurant. I may be a little biased. We caught up some more at dinner and then tried to see if Ted Drewes was still open for the season. We got very lucky, they closed on Sunday! Ted Drewes was one of the must go places for Kelly and Sam while they were in town and thankfully we managed to accommodate them.
On Saturday my friends hosted a baby shower for me at Joey B's. It was just what I wanted. It was low-key and everyone I wanted to see was there. We got a back table tha was private enough in case we got too loud.
[caption id="attachment_2612" align="aligncenter" width="223"] Diaper Cake from Nicole[/caption]
It was a great mix of old friends and new and no baby shower games, which was even better. We received some wonderful and needed gifts from everyone that came. I especially loved the "My first fish fry" onesie embroidered in St. Gabriel's blue and gold from Zipf. She was right, she did have the best/creative present there.
[caption id="attachment_2614" align="aligncenter" width="225"] My First Fish Fry[/caption]
After the shower, Kelly, Sam and I got much-needed pedicures and a little Target shopping. Then we met up with Scott and Mike at Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner, football and trivia.
On Sunday, we got ready fairly quickly so we could arrive at Crown Candy just as it was opening for lunch. I have never been there when it opens but it was well worth the rush. We walked in and got a table without having to wait in the 25 degree cold. I had taken Kelly to Crown Candy before and somehow I had never taken Sam. I think she liked it and she even bought some extra candy on the way out. We dropped Sam off at the airport and killed a couple of hours at home with Kelly and getting her design expertise around the house. We now have a few project that we are planning on doing before the baby gets here in three short weeks!
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Let's Go Blues!
I could not be happier that there will be a hockey season, even if it's a short one. Yes, the lock out will affect attendance and fan loyalty, however, I need a sport to take the place of football while I wait for Spring Training to start. After the awesome season the Blues had last year and then losing to the now Stanley Cup Champs, I'm ready for some fast action on the ice.
The Blues have come out with great commercials to get everyone pumped up for the season. I love the history of the franchise and can't wait to see how Hitchcock strengthens the organization this year!
Let's Go Blues!
Don't those just make you excited for the season to start?!
The Blues have come out with great commercials to get everyone pumped up for the season. I love the history of the franchise and can't wait to see how Hitchcock strengthens the organization this year!
Let's Go Blues!
Don't those just make you excited for the season to start?!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
9 months aka 36 weeks
Your Baby in Week 36 of Pregnancy
Forget your aching back (and everything else!) by trying to focus on your baby, who is now about six pounds and 20 inches long, with soft bones and cartilage to allow a safer journey through the exit door. Most of its systems (from circulatory to musculoskeletal) are ready for prime time, though her digestion system — which has done only practice runs so far — will kick into gear as it takes its first suckle at the breast or bottle. Overall, I'm still feeling very good. I get a little achy when I'm trying to get up from sitting/laying down. But once I'm up and moving I'm good. After the 36 week appointment, I'm 1cm dilated and the baby is positioned head down. We were told that everything looks to be on schedule and I should deliver within 5 day of my due date. So that means any time from February 1 to February 11. Nice little time frame to shoot for.
Your Body in Week 36 of Pregnancy
It's a good thing your baby's almost done cooking, since your body may feel pretty "done" by now as well. For one thing, you're doing the full-term pregnancy waddle, the result of the hormone-triggered loosening and softening of your connective tissue. This is your body's way of getting ready to squeeze a big baby out of a small space. Unfortunately, those loose joints can lead to some pretty serious hip and pelvic pain — but hang in there! I'm not 100% waddling just yet. Although I feel like I am, everyone tells me that I'm not. I have been having pains in my hips. Mostly the pain is at night when I'm constantly flipping from one side to the other.
Week 36 Pregnancy Symptoms - list of fun
Changes in fetal activity: As your baby’s quarters get more cramped and she has less room to maneuver, expect her movements to change too. You should still feel her moving, but there will be less jabbing and kicking, and a lot more squirming. Lots of moving around still. A lot of random stomach movements.
Heartburn or indigestion: As your stomach gets pushed up and squeezed by your uterus, you may feel like eating less at mealtimes. That’s not necessarily bad news. Smaller meals are better for your digestive system and may actually control heartburn. I'm trying to learn to eat smaller meals. I don't really have heartburn, just get the feeling that there is a pill in my throat that I can't swallow. I've been told that it is acid reflux. The good thing is that it's starting to be less frequent.
More frequent urination: Your baby might have dropped into your pelvis by now, crowding your bladder. So it’s no wonder you’re going to the bathroom as much as you did during your first two months of pregnancy. Don’t cut back on liquids — your body needs fluids to stay hydrated now more than ever. With all the water I'm drinking I feel as though I live to find bathrooms wherever I go. Not fun for someone who hates public bathrooms.
Pelvic pressure and discomfort: Feeling pretty heavy down there in the pelvic region? That’s your baby burrowing deep into the pelvis as she prepares for birth, with her head pressing down on your bladder, hips, and pelvis. Try some pelvic tilts, or take a (long) soak in the tub to give yourself a break. definitely feeling the pressure, especially after I have been sitting for a while.
Itchy abdomen: Your belly might be stretched to the breaking point (or at least feel that way). Creams containing cocoa butter or vitamin E can soothe that itchy abdomen and bring some relief. (Better still, get your partner to rub it on your belly and do some bonding with the baby underneath!) Very itchy stomach, and it doesn't help that it's winter.
Increased swelling of ankles and feet: Edema (pregnancy swelling) may be getting more noticeable now as your body retains more fluids. So not only will your ankles and feet be swollen, but your face and hands (and fingers) may be too. Keep drinking water and other liquids. All those fluids will help rid your system of excess sodium and other waste products, which will minimize swelling. I keep chugging water in hopes that the swelling in my feet will go down. This is really kicked in this past week. My fingers have been swelling a little and the rings are off (and that feels weird).
Difficulty sleeping: Sleep may be more elusive than ever as you toss this way and that looking for the perfect position. Make sure your room isn’t too stuffy (you’re sure to feel overheated as the night wears on) by opening a window or lowering the thermostat. I have one night a week where I'm up for long periods of time. It was fine over the Christmas break because I could sleep all day. Now, it's just annoying when I have to sit at work and get even more tired.
Fatigue or extra energy: It’s normal to be tired by the time you hit week 36. But you may also get the burst of extra energy known as the nesting instinct — a need to get organized and ready for the baby. If you do feel energized, take breaks to rest and eat. I get tired quickly but I still have the desire to get so much done. It's a horrible combo of nesting energy and fatigue.
Monday, January 7, 2013
We spend this weekend nesting, big time! There are a few things we had been wanting to do around the house for months, but never had the time to do them. This weekend we took advantage of having nothing scheduled and knocked them out.
We went up to Schnucks and rented a carpet cleaner and, slowly, we moved every piece of furniture in our house around. Scott moved all the big stuff around while I shuffled the smaller items. Then, I kept the dog in the dry parts of the house while he used the carpet cleaner. It took a day to do the whole house. It's amazing how big of a difference it makes since we've done that.
My big project for the weekend was to get all baby clothing washed and folded. Since we moved the dresser out of the guest room and into the baby's room, the kid now has a place to store all of the clothes, towels, and blankets that we got. Plus, with the dresser in the room, the room feels more finished. I would like to say that all the clothes are nicely put away, but that just isn't the case. I just have one more load to fold and then everything can go back upstairs.
The good news to our crazy cleaning was that we found a coming home outfit. I had been worried about that for a while. I think I'm happy with our choice. Big doctor's appointment tomorrow to see if there is any progress.
We went up to Schnucks and rented a carpet cleaner and, slowly, we moved every piece of furniture in our house around. Scott moved all the big stuff around while I shuffled the smaller items. Then, I kept the dog in the dry parts of the house while he used the carpet cleaner. It took a day to do the whole house. It's amazing how big of a difference it makes since we've done that.
My big project for the weekend was to get all baby clothing washed and folded. Since we moved the dresser out of the guest room and into the baby's room, the kid now has a place to store all of the clothes, towels, and blankets that we got. Plus, with the dresser in the room, the room feels more finished. I would like to say that all the clothes are nicely put away, but that just isn't the case. I just have one more load to fold and then everything can go back upstairs.
The good news to our crazy cleaning was that we found a coming home outfit. I had been worried about that for a while. I think I'm happy with our choice. Big doctor's appointment tomorrow to see if there is any progress.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
35 weeks!
Wow, it's getting really close to the baby arriving. We have been through 3 of our childbirth classes, 3 more to go. They have been somewhat informative. I knew a lot of the information from friends and co-workers, however there have been a few new things that I picked up. I'm excited for class this week, it's a tour of the hospital.
We have our hospital bag somewhat packed. It's hard to really pack it since I'm still using a lot of the items I want to take daily. I do need to get the camera charged up and out so that is easy access. I start my weekly doctor's appointments next week. Once that starts I know time will fly by. It's just 1 month till the official due date. I don't think I will go early or on my due date. I think I will be waiting an extra week, but I should know more when I see the doctor next week.
I'm back to work and sitting all day is exhausting. I can feel my lower back starting to hurt when I get up and move around. At least I'm distracted while waiting for this kid to arrive.
Your baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that he's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (pick up a honeydew melon). Because it's so snug in your womb, he isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times he kicks should remain about the same. His kidneys are fully developed now, and his liver can process some waste products. Most of his basic physical development is now complete — he'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.
Your uterus — which was entirely tucked away inside your pelvis when you conceived — now reaches up under your rib cage. If you could peek inside your womb, you'd see that there's more baby than amniotic fluid in there now. Your ballooning uterus is crowding your other internal organs, too, which is why you probably have to urinate more often and may be dealing with heartburn and other gastrointestinal distress. If you're not grappling with these annoyances, you're one of the lucky few.
From here on out, you'll start seeing your practitioner every week. Sometime between now and 37 weeks, she'll do a culture to check for bacteria called Group B streptococci (GBS). GBS is usually harmless in adults, but if you have it and pass it on to your baby during birth, it can cause serious complications, such as pneumonia, meningitis, or a blood infection. Because 10 to 30 percent of pregnant women have the bacteria and don't know it, it's vital to be screened. (The bacteria come and go on their own — that's why you weren't screened earlier in pregnancy.) If you're a GBS carrier, you'll get IV antibiotics during labor, which will greatly reduce your baby's risk of infection.
This is also a good time to create a birth plan. Using our form will help you focus on specifics — like who'll be present, what pain management techniques you want to try, and where you want your baby to stay after you deliver. It will give you a starting point to discuss your preferences with your medical team. Childbirth is unpredictable, and chances are you won't follow your plan to the letter, but thinking about your choices ahead of time — and sharing your preferences with your caregiver — should take some of the anxiety out of the process.
Prepare food to eat after your baby's born. If you cook, start doubling recipes and freezing half. You and your partner will be too exhausted to cook in the first weeks after you bring your baby home and you'll be thrilled to have healthy meals you can heat up fast. If you don't cook, go around your neighborhood and pick up all the takeout and delivery menus you can find. You'll be grateful for all the options at your fingertips.
We have our hospital bag somewhat packed. It's hard to really pack it since I'm still using a lot of the items I want to take daily. I do need to get the camera charged up and out so that is easy access. I start my weekly doctor's appointments next week. Once that starts I know time will fly by. It's just 1 month till the official due date. I don't think I will go early or on my due date. I think I will be waiting an extra week, but I should know more when I see the doctor next week.
I'm back to work and sitting all day is exhausting. I can feel my lower back starting to hurt when I get up and move around. At least I'm distracted while waiting for this kid to arrive.
How your baby's growing:
Your baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that he's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (pick up a honeydew melon). Because it's so snug in your womb, he isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times he kicks should remain about the same. His kidneys are fully developed now, and his liver can process some waste products. Most of his basic physical development is now complete — he'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.
How your life's changing:
Your uterus — which was entirely tucked away inside your pelvis when you conceived — now reaches up under your rib cage. If you could peek inside your womb, you'd see that there's more baby than amniotic fluid in there now. Your ballooning uterus is crowding your other internal organs, too, which is why you probably have to urinate more often and may be dealing with heartburn and other gastrointestinal distress. If you're not grappling with these annoyances, you're one of the lucky few.
From here on out, you'll start seeing your practitioner every week. Sometime between now and 37 weeks, she'll do a culture to check for bacteria called Group B streptococci (GBS). GBS is usually harmless in adults, but if you have it and pass it on to your baby during birth, it can cause serious complications, such as pneumonia, meningitis, or a blood infection. Because 10 to 30 percent of pregnant women have the bacteria and don't know it, it's vital to be screened. (The bacteria come and go on their own — that's why you weren't screened earlier in pregnancy.) If you're a GBS carrier, you'll get IV antibiotics during labor, which will greatly reduce your baby's risk of infection.
This is also a good time to create a birth plan. Using our form will help you focus on specifics — like who'll be present, what pain management techniques you want to try, and where you want your baby to stay after you deliver. It will give you a starting point to discuss your preferences with your medical team. Childbirth is unpredictable, and chances are you won't follow your plan to the letter, but thinking about your choices ahead of time — and sharing your preferences with your caregiver — should take some of the anxiety out of the process.
This Week's Activity:
Prepare food to eat after your baby's born. If you cook, start doubling recipes and freezing half. You and your partner will be too exhausted to cook in the first weeks after you bring your baby home and you'll be thrilled to have healthy meals you can heat up fast. If you don't cook, go around your neighborhood and pick up all the takeout and delivery menus you can find. You'll be grateful for all the options at your fingertips.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Happy New Year!
It was our last New Year's Eve without children. That's a crazy thought. Since I'm 8 1/2 months pregnant I did not want to get dressed up, fight crowds at restaurants or even the cold, we stayed in. And it was totally worth it. We got about an inch or two of snow around St. Louis and I thought the crazy drivers would be out early.
[caption id="attachment_2589" align="aligncenter" width="300"] New Years Eve Snow[/caption]
Instead, my New Years Eve plans included taking down the Christmas tree and decorations. There were so many pine needles throughout the house. Our living room looks so empty without the huge tree. I made an awesome ham and potato casserole for our dinner with a movie. And we finally watched two movies that Scott has been wanting to watch for a while. We watched "The Quiet Man" and "Kuffs." Two completely different movies but both good and entertaining to watch.
By watching both movies, I was able to stay awake till 11! I huge feat in itself. So we celebrated New Years with the East coast. We quickly said good night to Carson Daly (he is no Dick Clark) and went to bed. Of course, we were woken up at midnight because our wonderful neighbor was shooting off fireworks.
Our New Year's Day tradition was continued this year. We went to brunch at Crepes in the Central West End. It wasn't our first choice. Scape was closed this year. The crepes were not horrible , however, the crepe place in Clayton is much better and bigger variety.
Since neither one of us were feeling great, me with a headache and Scott with cold symptoms, we headed home to find a place on the couch to get ready for the Nebraska game. I do find it interesting that my body knows its New Years Day and I should have a headache. That has got to change.
Nebraska played well until the fourth quarter. Too many costly penalties and turnovers cost them the game. I already can't wait till next year.
I am extremely excited to see what 2013 has in store for us. I have a feeling that it's going to be a great year!
[caption id="attachment_2589" align="aligncenter" width="300"] New Years Eve Snow[/caption]
Instead, my New Years Eve plans included taking down the Christmas tree and decorations. There were so many pine needles throughout the house. Our living room looks so empty without the huge tree. I made an awesome ham and potato casserole for our dinner with a movie. And we finally watched two movies that Scott has been wanting to watch for a while. We watched "The Quiet Man" and "Kuffs." Two completely different movies but both good and entertaining to watch.
By watching both movies, I was able to stay awake till 11! I huge feat in itself. So we celebrated New Years with the East coast. We quickly said good night to Carson Daly (he is no Dick Clark) and went to bed. Of course, we were woken up at midnight because our wonderful neighbor was shooting off fireworks.
Our New Year's Day tradition was continued this year. We went to brunch at Crepes in the Central West End. It wasn't our first choice. Scape was closed this year. The crepes were not horrible , however, the crepe place in Clayton is much better and bigger variety.
Since neither one of us were feeling great, me with a headache and Scott with cold symptoms, we headed home to find a place on the couch to get ready for the Nebraska game. I do find it interesting that my body knows its New Years Day and I should have a headache. That has got to change.
Nebraska played well until the fourth quarter. Too many costly penalties and turnovers cost them the game. I already can't wait till next year.
I am extremely excited to see what 2013 has in store for us. I have a feeling that it's going to be a great year!
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