Wednesday, January 9, 2013

9 months aka 36 weeks

Your Baby in Week 36 of Pregnancy

Forget your aching back (and everything else!) by trying to focus on your baby, who is now about six pounds and 20 inches long, with soft bones and cartilage to allow a safer journey through the exit door. Most of its systems (from circulatory to musculoskeletal) are ready for prime time, though her digestion system — which has done only practice runs so far — will kick into gear as it takes its first suckle at the breast or bottle.  Overall, I'm still feeling very good.  I get a little achy when I'm trying to get up from sitting/laying down.  But once I'm up and moving I'm good.  After the 36 week appointment, I'm 1cm dilated and the baby is positioned head down.  We were told that everything looks to be on schedule and I should deliver within 5 day of my due date.  So that means any time from February 1 to February 11.  Nice little time frame to shoot for.

Your Body in Week 36 of Pregnancy

It's a good thing your baby's almost done cooking, since your body may feel pretty "done" by now as well. For one thing, you're doing the full-term pregnancy waddle, the result of the hormone-triggered loosening and softening of your connective tissue. This is your body's way of getting ready to squeeze a big baby out of a small space. Unfortunately, those loose joints can lead to some pretty serious hip and pelvic pain — but hang in there!  I'm not 100% waddling just yet.  Although I feel like I am, everyone tells me that I'm not.  I have been having pains in my hips.  Mostly the pain is at night when I'm constantly flipping from one side to the other. 

Week 36 Pregnancy Symptoms - list of fun

Changes in fetal activity: As your baby’s quarters get more cramped and she has less room to maneuver, expect her movements to change too. You should still feel her moving, but there will be less jabbing and kicking, and a lot more squirming.  Lots of moving around still.  A lot of random stomach movements.

Heartburn or indigestion: As your stomach gets pushed up and squeezed by your uterus, you may feel like eating less at mealtimes. That’s not necessarily bad news. Smaller meals are better for your digestive system and may actually control heartburn.  I'm trying to learn to eat smaller meals.  I don't really have heartburn, just get the feeling that there is a pill in my throat that I can't swallow.  I've been told that it is acid reflux.  The good thing is that it's starting to be less frequent.

More frequent urination: Your baby might have dropped into your pelvis by now, crowding your bladder. So it’s no wonder you’re going to the bathroom as much as you did during your first two months of pregnancy. Don’t cut back on liquids — your body needs fluids to stay hydrated now more than ever.  With all the water I'm drinking I feel as though I live to find bathrooms wherever I go.  Not fun for someone who hates public bathrooms.

Pelvic pressure and discomfort: Feeling pretty heavy down there in the pelvic region? That’s your baby burrowing deep into the pelvis as she prepares for birth, with her head pressing down on your bladder, hips, and pelvis. Try some pelvic tilts, or take a (long) soak in the tub to give yourself a break.   definitely feeling the pressure, especially after I have been sitting for a while.

Itchy abdomen: Your belly might be stretched to the breaking point (or at least feel that way). Creams containing cocoa butter or vitamin E can soothe that itchy abdomen and bring some relief. (Better still, get your partner to rub it on your belly and do some bonding with the baby underneath!)  Very itchy stomach, and it doesn't help that it's winter.

Increased swelling of ankles and feet: Edema (pregnancy swelling) may be getting more noticeable now as your body retains more fluids. So not only will your ankles and feet be swollen, but your face and hands (and fingers) may be too. Keep drinking water and other liquids. All those fluids will help rid your system of excess sodium and other waste products, which will minimize swelling.  I keep chugging water in hopes that the swelling in my feet will go down.  This is really kicked in this past week.  My fingers have been swelling a little and the rings are off (and that feels weird).

Difficulty sleeping: Sleep may be more elusive than ever as you toss this way and that looking for the perfect position. Make sure your room isn’t too stuffy (you’re sure to feel overheated as the night wears on) by opening a window or lowering the thermostat.  I have one night a week where I'm up for long periods of time.  It was fine over the Christmas break because I could sleep all day.  Now, it's just annoying when I have to sit at work and get even more tired.

Fatigue or extra energy: It’s normal to be tired by the time you hit week 36. But you may also get the burst of extra energy known as the nesting instinct — a need to get organized and ready for the baby. If you do feel energized, take breaks to rest and eat.  I get tired quickly but I still have the desire to get so much done.  It's a horrible combo of nesting energy and fatigue.


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