We found out around Halloween that Thomas is allergic to eggs. The morning before Halloween I gave T a few small pieces of scrambled eggs. This was at 7:30 am. Around 11:30 he broke out in hives. And because Thomas went to the preschool Halloween party, I thought he ate something there or touched something that his body didn’t like. He also ate his normal strawberries and blueberries for breakfast, another potential thing that he didn’t like before.
Later that night we had pancakes for dinner at 6. At 10 pm Thomas woke up with hives all over. The hives went down and he went to sleep. However, he woke up at 5 with hives everywhere. Scott then took him to urgent care and they diagnosed him with an egg allergy.
That Friday we had his 1-year check up and our pediatrician referred us to an allergist. After meeting with the allergist, he said that because of the time lapses with the breakouts, he couldn’t be allergic to eggs. Then they did the allergy test for egg white, egg yolk, and peanut butter. Low and behold, he reacted to all three.
They drew some blood. That was tough for Thomas, two full vials of blood were drawn and he was a champ the whole time. He never once tried to pull away. We are now waiting for those results and a follow-up appointment where we eat foods at the doctor office.
This is a new allergy to us and we will adjust. The good thing is that there are a lot of egg substitutes available and easier to find, thanks to the popularity of vegans and more health food grocery stores.