Wednesday, September 30, 2015


We've been dealing with some sort of bug that has knocked the boys down.  Friday afternoon I got a call from the sitter saying Gabe had a slight fever.  These kids have never really been sick, minus a cold here or there.  We have been very lucky.  I was a little nervous when I picked them up early.

Saturday, trying to have fun
We laid low over the weekend.  Gabe seemed to perk up on Sunday for a while, but was really lazy and quiet most of the day.  And those 2 words are words that I would never use to describe Gabe.  We kept him home on Monday and he was still lounging around until late afternoon.
Monday - not into selfies

Napping in Mom & Dad's bed

Sleeping on Mom
Bennett went to the new sitter on Monday and did well.  Tuesday he was spitting up and sent home while Gabe stayed.  Bennett is cutting a top front tooth and had a slight fever.

Even not feeling well, he is cute


It's hard to play

Looking just as pitiful as my brother (it's in the eyes)
Today they are both at the sitter and seem to be doing well.  I'm hoping Scott and I don't catch whatever it is.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Night Out

Scott and I had a night out to celebrate our good friend, Mike's birthday.  We hadn't had a date night out in a while and getting out was wonderful.  Michelle came over early and we were able to sneak out a little early.

This particular Saturday was the Forest Park Balloon Race day.  We initially planned for us to take the boys around 2 and get up close and personal with the balloons before the race.  However,  a wonderful migraine appeared for me while I was running errands with Gabe, and we had to cut those short and head home.  I needed a long nap and some meds, which meant the balloon race was out of the picture.  The good thing was that we hadn't really talked it up to the boys so they didn't know any better.  The good news, on our way to Ballpark Village we got to see the race!

Driving down 40
 We had to pick up Zipf on our way downtown and we were able to see more of the balloon go right over my old neighborhood.
Over DuBourg High School (South City)

We made it to Ballpark Village and enjoyed a night out with friends.  We hadn't all been together in over a year.  Crazy how time flies with kids. 
The original St. Gabe's HH

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

September Happenings...

Gabe has been asking to have his picture taken with Bennett - lots of cheesing

Our little Chef he loves to help us cook - all the time

A little sample

Bennett has become a little clingy - but it's game day - Huskers!

the shoes!

Lots of time spent playing on the floor

Hi, I'm cute!

I think I'm the funniest guy too

Serious football watching

Aunt Marcella sent us some candy corn hats.  Gabriel is carefully helping Bennett put his on, B isn't thrilled.

My teeth hurt

Cheese!  Mama, take my picture!

Friday night fun

Pre-game trip to the playground

Learning to drive

He has this down.  No need to help him climb.

Gabe watching on the iPad while B tries to get a glance

New teething rings

Friday, September 11, 2015

Labor Day Weekend

We had a fairly relaxing Labor Day weekend.  On Saturday we didn't do too much.  We went to the mall so Scott could get his phone fixed (I accidently dropped it and completely shattered the screen).  So we made the best of getting to the mall at 9am and having a lot of space for Gabe to run and play.  We found the strollers that you can rent and Gabe spent way too much time play in.

Gabe played in each on 3 times, at least

Scott took the boys over to the actual play area.  Bennett loved acting like a big kid and pretending to drive the airplanes. 

After 15 years with the same pair of glasses, Scott told me to shut up and get some new ones.  And since we were at the mall, I did a little shopping.  It's amazing that I can now watch sports in bed and actually see the score, inning, time left.  I'm still trying to adjust my eyes to them, so no driving in there for a while.

So close to climbing the stairs!
 On Sunday we went to Steve's Hotdog Stand in Tower Grove.  It did not disappoint.  I had the Bacon, Bacon Jamican, Scott had the Pitbull, and Gabe had the Mac & Cheese, all were AMAZING!
There is Gabe's hotdog - so amazing!
 Then we headed to the Hill to watch the Gateway Cup.  Gabe loved watching and cheering for the bikers as the sped past us.  It was a little toasty so finding a good spot in the shade was limited.  We opted for some Gelato to cool down.

Gabe clearly hated the Gelato
Afterwards we visited with Zia Julie and she was able to finally meet Bennett.  We were told Bennett looks just like his Zio Andrew, hopefully Bennett isn't as rambunctious as his Zio. 

On Monday, we hung out with Scott's parents and watched the Cards game - very nice way to end the weekend.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

10 Months!

Bennett boy went and turned 10 months over Labor Day weekend.  This kid is keeping us on our toes.  He has one and half tooth.  They are slowly starting to come in and when they move he lets us know.  He tends to get a low grade fever just before one cuts - it's fun. 

Bennett is standing on his own, bouncing on his own and thinking really hard about getting his feet to move.  He has mastered walking around the coffee tables, couches and from couch to coffee table. 

He is still very snugly and I love it!  He is trying to hard to catch up with his brother.  He loves to play trucks, read books and "talk" to his brother (it's a loud high pitched scream(and we love it ;-))).

Here are a few pics from his 10 month photo shoot.