Monday, August 31, 2015

End of August

Here is the end of August in pictures. 

We spent lots of time at the playground.  Gabriel really has grown up this summer from his climbing skills to his lack of fear.  He loves to mimic his daddy.

 Finally wearing real pajamas.  After a summer of squeezing in the sleep sack this kid graduated and his legs can move freely.  Please note, this 9 month old fits nicely 12month pjs!
 Lots of watching "boys hit the ball."  Gabe loves to see Wacha pitch and Grichuk hit the ball.  We are all about the tough named players.
 Reily is needing extra snuggles.  This poor pup has very high anxiety these days.
 Gabe loves to grocery shop and thanks to Schnucks he can push his very own ankle bruising cart and refuse to sit in a cart.
 Hey look, I'm standing all on my own!

 Oh and look, I have a tooth!

 Learning how to empty the dishwasher.
 Again, I'm standing and or so proud.
 Seriously, how cute is this kid and he didn't mind the shoes - for a while at least.
 More walks around Creve Coeur Lake.  This time Reily got to go. 

 They are finally starting to play with each other, nicely.  This doesn't last too long, but it's great to watch.
And lastly, Gabriel loves noodles and sausage.  It was my mom's easy go to warm meal when my dad was out of town and we were growing up.  I love passing this along and remembering my mom cooking this for us. 
And that's a wrap for August

Friday, August 21, 2015

This week

What a crazy week it has been.  The week started out with 3 house showings, 1 of the showings was a third time through for them...still haven't heard anything yet(Frustrated).  So Monday and Tuesday nights we had picnics at a playground near our house.  One night it was raining so we sat under the pavilion. 

Wednesday night (Scott's birthday) I quickly made dinner and we went to Starbucks to kill time for another showing (the 3rd one).  Thursday night Scott had a seminar to go to, so it was just me and the boys and The Wiggles. 

Bennett has cut 1 top is huge!  It looks more like a permanent tooth with how wide it is.  Guess that is why he is not sleeping well and very clingy.  Plus, separation anxiety is real with him. 

Gabe has been mostly cooperative this week with a few awesome terrible 2 tantrums.  He really likes to show his independence and getting him to sit for dinner is so fun. 

And Reily, well she is a stage 5 clinger.  She freaks out when she has to get in the car, she freaks out when we put our shoes on, she freaks out when she has to go in her crate.  She paces - a lot.  She is my constant shadow.  I think I've walked in, tripped over and pushed her out of the way too many times to count. 

I'm incredibly happy it's Friday and the weather looks decent for some major outside time this weekend.  Hopefully we have another productive Open House on Sunday(please, just make an offer).

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Last weekend Scott's mom watched the boys overnight so we could have our birth-aversary dinner at Kreis's Steak House (if you haven't gone you must).  That night she gave the boys a bath together, something that Scott and I hadn't done yet.  Then this week we decided to give it a try at home. 

Scott did most of the work getting them in and clean - I just took the pictures.  From what I over heard, it sounded like they both had fun and baths together might happen a little more often.

Monday, August 17, 2015


A few weeks ago I was killing time in Hobby Lobby - a very dangerous place to wander for a hour.  I remembered that Gabe really liked painting the pumpkin last October and thought I would look for another painting project.  I came upon some wooden birdhouses and decided it would work. 

We got out the paint tarps and Gabe picked his colors and I let him go.  He really enjoyed painting and mixing colors.  He did a great job by himself and asked for a help just a few times on the tricky roof overlap.  We even painted on a few pieces of paper because he was having fun. 

Guess we need to find more things for him to paint.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

First Tooth

I Bennett finally cut his first tooth.  He was pretty fussy all day Saturday and couldn't get comfortable, then Scott noticed his top left tooth had cut through.

He and Gabe cut their top teeth first.  With Gabriel he cut 4 pretty close together.  We think Bennett is close to doing the same.  Scott notice about 4 more that look close.

It's been a fun weekend of fussy babies.  Gabriel's top 2 year molars are coming in and Bennett's first teeth...please say a prayer for Scott and I.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Daddy Daycare

Scott had the boys all to himself and decided to take them to the Science Center.  It's been a while since we had been there and I wasn't sure if Gabe even remember most of the stuff he saw there.  After the Science Center, the boys met me at work for a tour and lunch.  It was nice to see them and get a break from the office.  And since I was at work I'll have to let the pictures do the talking for this day. 

Start the day at Starbucks

Digging for fossils

It's nap time, right?

How a tornado is formed

More fossils

Gabe loved the Discovery Room

Where's Nemo?

Discovery Room

Doing work at Mom's desk

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Mommy Daycare

Our wonderful daycare sitter, Mary, headed down to Gulf Shores for the week of my birthday.  Scott's parents were able to watch the boys MWF and Scott and I each got a day with them.  Of course, on my day we had a couple house showings so I needed a place to go with the boys and a place that I could bring Reily.  Thankfully, the day before (my birthday) I stopped by the Birch's and they kindly mentioned Reily could hang with them while I took the boys to the zoo.

On Tuesday morning, I loaded up the boys and the car and went to the Birch house.  The boys and I ended up staying there for an hour playing and talking before we packed up the car again with 2 more kids.  Mathew and Gabe were playing so well together that I invited him and Catherine to join us at the zoo.  Boy was a happy I did.  They could get into places that Bennett and the stroller couldn't go.  Gabe was about to hang out and see part of the new polar bear exhibit and the elephants.

Tortoise watching - they were all moving  

Mathew watching a penguin

Gabe and Mathew with the Hippos

Sleepy Hippos


These 2 were great

Add caption

The elephants were swimming and playing together

Gabe wasn't too sure of the Gorilla

Best picture of the day

B slept through most of the zoo