Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Round Here

I was going for the "Round Here" sound of the Counting Crows with that title.  It's almost Thanksgiving and it has me thinking of Omaha - somewhere in the middle of America.  Although this year we are heading up to Chicago for Gabe's first Turkey Day.  Scott and I are excited to get some family time in and time away from work.

Thankfully, we haven't been too busy lately.  We've been spending more time at home, have I checked off a lot of my to-do list, not really.  However, there has been a lot of play time and practicing our walking skillz.

Gabe has started posing for pictures.  When I tried to be sneaky and catch him playing with Scott's shoes, he stopped, turned and smiled.  He is a ham and loves to see the flash.
 He started to really enjoy feeding himself.  I'm not sure if it's because he sees his buddy, Ford, eating and he is now mimicking that, but the Puffs are a way to get him to sit in his highchair.  He loves his Puffs and is starting to share with Reily.  Reily is starting to get on board with having him around for extra snacks.
 We really try to cheer our Husker's on, however, bad defense makes it difficult to watch the whole game.  So we opt for getting our picture taken in our awesome Husker's onesie.
 This past Sunday there was horrible weather around the St. Louis area.  In our neighborhood it was sunny and 72 - in the middle of November.  While Scott did some work, Gabe and I took a walk to the Aquaport and back in hopes of a nice long morning nap.  The morning nap didn't happen, but it was really nice to get outside for a while.
 Like I said, this kid likes to pose for the camera.  He really is a little turkey.
 We sent Zio Andrew a picture of Gabe holding a basketball in hopes that he sends us a soccer ball soon.  I figured Andrew should hook his godson up with a sport that he enjoyed and loves to watch. 
That's just a little bit of what is going on "Round Here."  Scott leaves this afternoon for a couple days of training in Chicago.  I'm extremely happy that this trip is in the same time zone and only for 3 days.  Ha, 3 days, that's nothing for Gabe and me.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


We've had some fun playing in the leaves this past weekend.  Gabe had a mini photo shoot along with it.  This kid loved crawling around the front yard and eating the leaves.


Monday, November 11, 2013

9 Months

Gabriel turned 9 months old today.  He spent the day at home with Scott and I.  His buddy, Ford, was sick so Scott and I took turns watching him today.  It was wonderful.  We played, watched new shows, and he took a 2 hour nap in the afternoon.
A few new firsts for Gabe's 9 months:
  • First time playing in the leaves
  • First cold
  • First new friend
  • New foods
  • Sippy cups
Gabe's 9 month appointment isn't until the 22nd so I'll have weight, height updates then.

Happy 9 months little man! 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


This kid is crazy.  He is really starting to discover everything in the house.  And climbing is the best way to do that. 

I'm pretty sure he ended up with a bruise above his eye after landing in the drawer below the oven, but you can't tell it bothered him one bit. 
This boy is all over the place and Scott and I are just having fun chasing him.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Fall Wedding

We celebrated our friends, Mike and Nicole's wedding this weekend.  It was a beautiful and well planned wedding.  
Scott and I started our day pretty early, Gabe woke up around 6am and we played while each took turns getting ready.  Gabe was not happy that he lost a day of play with mom and dad, but made up for it by hanging out with Aunt Michelle, Nana and Grandpa Ron.  We managed to get a family picture before we headed out the door.

Scott and I picked up the Groom and a couple groomsmen from Mike's parents house.  Mike had a new first that morning, ordering me a vanilla latte from Bread Co.  Then we headed to the church to get a few before pictures of the guys.
 Finally the wedding started and the Bride and bridesmaids looked amazing.  All the planning that Nicole and Mike did was evident in the ceremony and even the reception.  This was the first mass that I had attended in the College Church at SLU.  It was beautiful and a great place to have a wedding.

 Even Zipf got in on the action by saying the petitions.
 After the ceremony solo bride picture.  She looked great!
 After the ceremony we drove down to the Hilton Ballpark to check in and have a quick lunch that Scott ordered (Jason's Deli did an amazing job!).  We then hopped on the party bus to the Arch grounds for lots and lots and lots of pictures.  Mike and Nicole picked the perfect weekend, all the leaves just changed color and the photographers were amazing at capturing them.  Since I was the only non-bridal party person getting off the bus, I was able to help the photographers.  I may have a new career calling...

 Mike and Nick are having a little too much fun.
After the pictures we headed back to the hotel for one more stop at Anthony's Bar for a quick group picture and drinks.  I managed to get in on one of the very last pics with the bridal party - wonder what that will look like.  We had a quick cocktail hour and then the amazing reception started.  Scott did great with his best man speech.  After dinner it was time for dancing and even a little fun photo booth action.   
Congratulations Mike and Nicole!  We can't wait to catch up with you get back from Punta Cana!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween 2013

Halloween has come and gone and a few of Scott and my tradition stayed in tact.  It was a very rainy afternoon and for a long period of time I didn't know if Halloween was going to happen.  I even debated just going home and turning out the lights ( I never said these things). 

Scott and I met at his parents house to dress Gabe and take him over to visit their neighbor, Mary Kay.  Gabe's pumpkin costume was a hit.  He didn't fight putting it on and left the hat alone, which amazed all of us. 

 We headed to the Birch's for our traditional Halloween.  Ellen did not disappoint, lots of chili, dips and goodies.  It took Gabe a while to take in all the Birch kids and Lily(the dog).  Gabe received his first official Cardinals hat, a hand me down from Mathew and he loved it.  I think it looks pretty darn good on him.

It was a lot all at once after a quick nap.  But Gabe did great.  He let us put his costume back on and even posed for a few pictures.  Gabe and Mathew were buddies.  Gabe watched everything Mathew did and even sat with him on the steps.

We took him to just one house to trick or treat.  We went to the Naeger's house and introduced him to Mrs. Naeger.  Next year should be a little more fun with even more trick or treating.