I was going for the "Round Here" sound of the Counting Crows with that title. It's almost Thanksgiving and it has me thinking of Omaha - somewhere in the middle of America. Although this year we are heading up to Chicago for Gabe's first Turkey Day. Scott and I are excited to get some family time in and time away from work.
Thankfully, we haven't been too busy lately. We've been spending more time at home, have I checked off a lot of my to-do list, not really. However, there has been a lot of play time and practicing our walking skillz.
Gabe has started posing for pictures. When I tried to be sneaky and catch him playing with Scott's shoes, he stopped, turned and smiled. He is a ham and loves to see the flash.
He started to really enjoy feeding himself. I'm not sure if it's because he sees his buddy, Ford, eating and he is now mimicking that, but the Puffs are a way to get him to sit in his highchair. He loves his Puffs and is starting to share with Reily. Reily is starting to get on board with having him around for extra snacks.
We really try to cheer our Husker's on, however, bad defense makes it difficult to watch the whole game. So we opt for getting our picture taken in our awesome Husker's onesie.
This past Sunday there was horrible weather around the St. Louis area. In our neighborhood it was sunny and 72 - in the middle of November. While Scott did some work, Gabe and I took a walk to the Aquaport and back in hopes of a nice long morning nap. The morning nap didn't happen, but it was really nice to get outside for a while.
Like I said, this kid likes to pose for the camera. He really is a little turkey.
We sent Zio Andrew a picture of Gabe holding a basketball in hopes that he sends us a soccer ball soon. I figured Andrew should hook his godson up with a sport that he enjoyed and loves to watch.
That's just a little bit of what is going on "Round Here." Scott leaves this afternoon for a couple days of training in Chicago. I'm extremely happy that this trip is in the same time zone and only for 3 days. Ha, 3 days, that's nothing for Gabe and me.
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