Friday, March 15, 2013

First Fish Fry

Since I've moved back to St. Louis I have gone to the fish fries at my old grade school every Lent.  In fact, it's something Zipf and I look forward to every year.  So when I told Zipf I was pregnant, she came up with the best baby gift.  She got the baby a "My first fish fry" onesie, in St. Gabriel blue and gold.  It was perfect, we just needed to wait till Gabe was big enough to handle the large crowd.

This weekend Gabe was almost 5 weeks old and ready to try the fish fry and see what the big deal was.  He sported his onesie and headed in to meet Zipf.  Gabe was very popular with the regulars at the fish fry and lots of people came up to ask about him and how old he is, his name, and then they saw his shirt.  Everyone thought his onesie was very creative and he was the talk of the fish fry.  And really, with as cute as he is, he really didn't need the onesie for help.  Thanks Auntie Zipf for my awesome shirt!  Now it needs to get warmer for Gabe to rock his Happy Hour onesie.

[caption id="attachment_2878" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Gabe's First Fish Fry Gabe's First Fish Fry[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2879" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Gabe and Auntie Zipf Gabe and Auntie Zipf[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2880" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Gabe and Uncle Mike Gabe and Uncle Mike[/caption]



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