Your Baby in Week 26 of Pregnancy
What's up with your baby? It now weighs a full two pounds and measures nine-plus inches. And this week, its eyes, which until now were developing under fused eyelids, start to open. Of course, there's not much to see in there, but if your baby spots a bright light (or hears a loud noise) near your belly, you may notice an increase in fetal activity. (“Hey, I'm in here, Mommy! Where’s the party!”) What accounts for that response? Its brain is more developed and sophisticated.
Week 26 Pregnancy Tip: Baby's Movements in the Womb
Feel like you're carrying the Karate Kid with all the kicking going on? Your baby is actually practicing all kinds of movements that will eventually be used in life on the outside — including pedaling against your belly, a sort of prewalking skill. As your baby's nervous system becomes more developed, the movements will become much more coordinated. And as the baby gets bigger and stronger, the movements will become much more powerful…and occasionally, even painful to you. If your baby lands a good one, that tiny left hook might hurt — a lot. Another trick it may try — stretching that leg out so far that the foot becomes lodged between your ribs (ouch). Next time you come under attack, try changing positions or doing some stretches of your own. You can also gently push your baby back with your hand when your knee-jerker jerks a little too hard. You just might be able to send your slugger back into the corner of the ring!
Week 26 Pregnancy Symptoms
Bloating: Your expanding uterus continues to put more and more pressure on your stomach and intestines, resulting in the bloating you probably feel. Minimize the problem by eating several small meals a day instead of three large ones so that you don’t overload your digestive system. This depends on how much I eat. Usually at dinner if I take one too many bites I get uncomfortable.
Occasional headaches: Some women who have a history of migraines have them more often when they’re pregnant (some lucky ducks experience fewer of them), so don’t be surprised if yours flare up more these days. Since strong migraine medications are probably off-limits for you now, consider holistic therapies such as acupuncture, biofeedback, massage, meditation, and yoga (these techniques can also help reduce stress, which is a migraine trigger). I've never been happier that my migraines haven't been much of a factor. I hope that trend continues.
Forgetfulness: Has “pregnancy brain” caused you to forget some crucial meetings or bits of information lately? While this decrease in memory is temporary and totally normal, try writing key things down in a trusty notepad or your PDA to help you stay organized for the rest of your pregnancy. This has come and gone. I know it's going to get worse as time goes on.
Clumsiness: Your loosened joints, shifted center of gravity, and added weight are just a few of the factors that cause you to slip, trip, and fall more often than usual. This clumsiness is temporary, but for now, be extra careful in the tub, shower, and on other slippery surfaces. This has not been a problem yet. Of course I'm starting to get used to not being able to suck in my stomach.
Lower abdominal achiness: If the “growing pains” caused by your expanding uterus (technically called round ligament pain) are feeling particularly achy lately, get off your feet when you can and get as comfortable as possible. Also, remember to shift positions slowly so as not to aggravate the pain. I don't get these too much. Every now and then I feel a slight pain but it's gone fast.
Vision changes: If your eyes are feeling irritated, that’s probably because pregnancy hormones decrease tear production, which leads to dry eyes. Use eye drops to ease the discomfort, and be sure to tell your practitioner if you develop serious vision problems since this could be a sign of gestational diabetes or high blood pressure. I've got the eye doctor appointment lined up. I definitely need to get new glasses before the little one arrives.