Friday night I met up with Jason and Kendra, the next couple to be getting married. We met at the Lion and the Rose and enjoyed a few beers and the best grilled cheese sandwich ever! I'm hoping they are able to make it up to St. Louis once the craziness of the wedding is over.
Saturday my mom and I met Kelly, Katie and Allie for lunch and the Tamale Factory, I don't think that is the real name of the place, but it was good. I was able to catch up with the girls and play on the swingsets that are set up all around the restaurant. After a couple hours of playing we decided it was time for a nap and time to start getting ready for the wedding. I met up with April and we headed to Randolph Air Force Base for Niki & Chris' wedding. I had been to the Officier's Club before but never upstairs and was impressed with how nice everything was. I'm so happy for Niki and Chris!
On Sunday we decided to celebrate my dad's birthday and mother's day early with brunch at the Westin La Canterra. We thought the food and view would be better but what do you expect it's San Antonio and it's not a world class city like they'd like to believe they are...god I'm happy I moved out of there...That afternoon I went to Comfort, Texas with my mom to an antique show and didn't see anything too unusual minus an older lady who had to be taken away by ambulance due to heat exhaustion. That night Andrew, Jon and Aarty went to see State of Play, awesome movie. Then drinks at Oasis and I finally went to Coco Beach...I will not go there again.
On Monday I didn't do much of anything except hang out at the house and relax. It's nice when you don't really have to do anything but lay around sometimes. I caught a late afternoon flight out and waited for Ben & Ellen to pick me up so we could celebrate Catherine's 7th birthday with some chinese food when I picked up Reily. All in all it was a good trip and just enough time in San Antonio.
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