Friday, July 7, 2017

Chicago 2017

We loved visiting with our Chicago family this past weekend.  We left after work on Thursday in hopes that the boys would sleep on the drive.  Thomas slept a little then screamed a lot.  The big boys were so excited to see Aunt Jeni's house and their cousins that they were up till after midnight!

Our first official day was an Allenzotti day.  We took the boys to the Lincoln Park Zoo.  Scott and I had never been so it was a fun experience for all of us.  We loved seeing a different zoo and seeing the skyline of a big city.  After the zoo we treated the boys to Potbelly, because it just tastes better in Chicago.

On Saturday we walked from the Bates' house to the Chicago Botanic Gardens for brunch and the trains.  It was a toasty 3 mile walk round trip, but so worth it.  Scott and I had a wonderful date night of shopping and dinner at Morton's Steakhouse.

On Sunday we went swimming.  It was Thomas' first time swimming and he loved splashing in the water.  The big boys loved the slide and went up and down over and over.  After swimming and naps we grilled and chilled.  The perfect way to end our trip.


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