Tuesday, November 1, 2016

My Job Change

Back in August we found out that there could be big changes coming to the MAC and Cisco relationship.  Our bosses were not shy about telling us we should look for new jobs.  At that time I was 8 months pregnant with Thomas and no one was going to hire me knowing I would be on a 3 month maternity break shortly after being hired.

So as time went on, we found out little details from Cisco.  In fact, our Cisco co-workers were the ones that slowly let us know that the relationship was over after the first quarter(ending 10/28).  By mid-September our bosses told us that a few people had till the end of September to work at MAC and the rest would be laid off come 10/28.  I was in the bunch that had till the end of October.

The timing worked out well, since I was scheduled to be enduced 11/3.  The next decision was for Scott and I to determine if I would find a new job after the first of the year or be a stay at home mom.  We opted for me to stay home with the boys.  We scaled back Gabriel's preschool to 9-12 (the learning hours) and Bennett was taken out of daycare.  I've decided that staying home is a good move for me now.  I get more time to play with the boys and decided if this is something I really like or I look for something where I can work from home with Thomas.  Either way, Scott and I made a list of must haves for when I decide I need to go back to work and staying home seems to be winning.

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