Thursday, February 12, 2015


It's official, the nasty, RSV has entered out house.  Gabriel was the first to get a cold, thanks to a kid at daycare having an infection.  His cold started showing signs on Saturday.  Then Sunday, for his two year old pictures, it came out in full force.  Thankfully, Kelly, our photographer was a champ dealing with his two year old tantrums. 

Then later that day, Bennett started coughing.  Once Monday rolled around Gabriel went to the doctor and came out with a 101 fever.  Scott was on jury duty on Monday, but was released early and met us at the doctor.  Since Scott was feeling sick, he and Gabriel enjoyed napping all Monday afternoon. 

The boys stayed home from daycare Tuesday and Gabriel was a whole new kid.  Bennett, on the other hand, was coughing more and more.  On Gabriel's birthday, Wednesday, Gabe was back to normal and Bennett had a rough day. 

Today, Thursday, Bennett went to the doctor and it took 1 minute for his RSV test to show positive.  It usually takes 15 minutes for the results to fully show up.  The good news is that Bennett's lungs sounded good and his cough was the worst part. 

Hopefully, with a lot of rest and cuddles B will be back to his smiley self soon.

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