The home improvements continue at the Allenzotti House. Besides the new flooring, we've had some random appliances go out on us. It all started with the garbage disposal going out. Let's be honest, it was probably on it's last leg and we rarely put anything big down it. So, this wasn't horrible and we lived for a couple weeks without it. Then it was desperately needed.
The sink disaster area |
The garage entrance with the new garbage disposal sitting on it |
Then one evening I noticed that the washer had not completed the cycle and then wouldn't drain or even finish a cycle. So the appliance repair guy was called and a new drain pump later we were back in business. One Saturday night, I decided to run the dishwasher - since we hadn't replaced the garbage disposal, the sink backed up. that was all sorts of fun to clean and gut under the sink. And then, the refrigerator went out. After 20+ years of refrigerating it was done. Scott took it a little harder than the rest of us.
Saying good-bye to the refrigerator |
After a week of eating everything in the refrigerator and freezer, we bought a new, way bigger, refrigerator. Of course delivery was on Wednesday, 5 days later. That ended up working out well for us since the plumber was coming on that Wednesday to fix the sink and garbage disposal.
Scott and I were very lucky, Scott's parents said they would house sit that Wednesday while the delivery and plumber were there. We even had some painting help. We didn't have to miss work for the deliveries. After that crazy week, our house looks completely different and things are actually working again! Yay!
Hello new refrigerator and almost 1 coat of paint |
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