We met Scott's parents at Starbucks and then headed to Fetus to Meert's Tree Farm to pick out our tree. This is the third year we've gone to Meert's. They have a great selection and it's easy to find a tree in our price range.
Clearly, we were not the only ones with this great idea. The parking lot was packed. The good news is that we were able to get a tractor ride over to the trees pretty quick. We took our time going up and down the aisles and finally found our tree.
It's a Canaan Fur and it's a lot wider than the trees we are used to getting.
Not to mention, a little more sappy and prickly. I didn't know it was as sticky as it was until we got home. I'm impressed Scott didn't say anything while he was cutting it down.
Once our tree was cut down we had the tractor bring it back to be cleaned and wrapped and then it was time to do a little shopping. They have a decent assortment of ornaments, decorations and wreaths to pick from. We did get a new ornament for the tree this time. When the tree was ready Scott and his dad did a great job of securing it to the top of the car and off we went.
And here is the tree once it's pushed back in its place. It's much wider than we are used to, but the smell it gives off is well worth it.
Your whole house smells wonderful! Good job picking the tree.