[caption id="attachment_176" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Theresa, me and Liz at Brew Fest"]

This weekend has been one of the busiest weekends in a long time, without going out of town or having a visitor. Friday was Heritage Brew Fest in Forest Park. Basically it was all local area brewers, A-B, Schlafly, O'Fallon...and you just sampled the beer with live music and some local restaurants serving food. It was a lot of fun and I found that I really like the A-B Honey Beer and I still do not like dark, bitter beers.
Saturday Theresa and I went to pick up our race packet from the zoo. We decided that we didn't want to go to the gym so the plan was to walk around the zoo after we picked up the race info. We parked next to the Jewel Box and hiked over to the zoo since it was a nice day parking was scarce. After our hiking around the zoo we went to Amighetti's for lunch, why not enjoy a Special after a great walk.
Later Saturday afternoon, Erin, a high school friend, Brooke and Austin came over to swim. The weather was sunny but still a little too cool. Over all it was fun to catch up on high school memories and watch Austin play in the water.
Sunday was a 5K Zoo walk. I had done these in the past with my family and wanted to get back into the swing of things. Liz, Theresa and I finished walking the 5K in about 50 minutes, not our best time but considering we had to bob and weave through the strollers and slow walkers that started in front of us, I think we did ok. Our next walk will be a 5K during All Star Game weekend in July. After the walk we headed over to the zoo for breakfast and a brief walk around the zoo before heading home.
On Sunday afternoon I volunteered with a group called FUEL for the City. The event was a house tour in Lafayette Square. I arrived early to take my free tour of the houses. It was interesting to see the houses that have keep the 1880s antique style versus those that have been gutted and completely updated to 2009.

My job was a docent, my house was built in 1890s and had been through a fire on the third floor that pretty much destroyed it. The current owners gutted the house and updated everything and brought back some of the 1890s charm. It was a lot of fun being able to describe the house to everyone that walked through.
After the tour was over everyone that participated in the neighborhood was treated to dinner at Sqwires. We found out that the neighborhood association netted about $28,000 over the weekend. Most of the profits coming from ticket sales from the house tour. It was great to see the determination of the neighborhood to bring back the greatness that Lafayette Square once was.
After all that I was exhausted and headed home to prep for my extemely short work week.