Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Mr. Fix-It

To say Gabe loves his toolbox is an understatement.  He loves to take it with him places and if anything needs to be fixed, big or small, he is on it.  Last week, Gabe found a book in the back of Scott's car.  It was a pop-up book that had a decent sized tear on one of the flaps.  So when Scott got home the toolboxes and safety goggles came on. 
Check out that consentration

Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Plague

The flu hit our house hard this week and I blame the Magic House.  It was so much fun to take the boys there and yes, we did just become members, but I think I might wait a bit before I head back.  And to top is all off it happened on President's Day.  Scott and the boys were home and I was confined to my room, dying.  Scott wasn't too much better.  By 1pm I was texting reinforcements.   

Bennett has been trying to cut a tooth and it knocks him down every time.  He has been a stage 5 clinger for the last few days.  He has perfected saying "Mama" and I'm eating that up.  The down side to all that clinginess was that I was that I couldn't be near him. 

Thankfully, my in-laws had been planning on coming up to the house to give Gabe his birthday presents and were able to stay longer.  Scott really needed a nap, I couldn't move and the boys were completely fine and unaware that we were miserable.

My in-laws stayed long enough for Scott to get a nap, play with the boys, help with dinner and baths.  I'm forever grateful that they were able to help and that this didn't happen on a weekend.

It's been a few days and although I'm feeling/acting better, I'm still not eating.  Neither of us are.  And when I do eat, I'm full fast and it's uncomfortable.  I'm hoping this fun doesn't last much longer.

Monday, February 15, 2016

The Muddled Pig

On Friday night we went to check out Aunt Michelle's new restaurant(The Muddled Pig) before the doors officially opened.  Scott had gone up a few days before to help hang new lights and had a few more to do.  Gabe was excited he was able to help Daddy and Uncle Mike and Aunt Michelle with his new tools. 

Dancing on the stage

Changing out the lights

I'm not doing anything


Always has his toolbox in hand

Needless to say, the boys had a great time "helping" and I loved being able to check out the restaurant before it officially opened.  

Friday, February 12, 2016


Gabriel turned 3 and I don't think it's possible.  How can I have a 3 year old?!  We celebrated his birthday in style. 

We had been talking about birthdays and how old Gabe would be and how much of a big boy he is turning into.  On the morning of his birthday we dropped Bennett off at Miss Jill's and then Gabe had us to himself, all. day. long.  He loved it.  We went and had donuts for breakfast, he ate all of Scott's and none of the ones I picked for him. 

Then we went home, changed and took off for the Magic House.  Scott had not been there with Gabe and Gabe and I had been once, when he was 1.  It was a great time for us to explore and enjoy without the insane crowds.  Here are a few pics from all the fun we had. 

Check out that bubble

They did this 7-8 times


Then it was home for lunch, naps, and presents and then time to get Bennett.  I think Gabriel had a pretty good birthday and even got the toolbox he had been wanting.  He is now able to help Daddy and Uncle Mike fix things.

Thanks Aunt Jeni!

Loves his tool box!


Too much Birthday!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Home Depot

A year or so ago I had a friend take their son to the Kids Workshop at Home Depot.  And since then I've thought that would be so much fun for Gabe.  And with the home projects we've been doing, Gabe has really shown interest in tools. So, I signed him up for the February class.  It was a build-your-own Valentine's Mailbox.  Now Gabriel has no interest or at least we don't "do" Valentine's Day around here, so to him it was a mailbox to build.
We got to Home Depot right on time and signed in.  I had signed Bennett up, but after seeing the set up, it would be much fun for B.  We found our spot and started following the directions.  Gabe helped hammer the nails in, used the screwdriver for the mail flag and painted.  I think he really liked seeing all the other kids and one older boy by us shared paint(which was awesome). 

Peanut Gallery

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Little B is 15 months!

Wow, I really don't feel like Bennett is 15 months old.  And wow, I've done a pretty bad job of documenting his milestones like I did for Gabe.  Curse of the second child I guess. 

What can I say about Bennett? 
He is really trying to talk
Walks like a champ
Not too sure about climbing the hill in the backyard
He has to do everything his brother does
He has about 5 teeth(he won't let me look)
Teething is still really hard on him
He loves to snuggle (and I LOVE IT)
He loves story time before bed
He is fairly easy to go to bed
He can play by himself
He can dance
He likes to mimic his brother, the song on TV, anything
He has to be moving
and he has the cutest, mischievous smile

This kid is as tough as they come.  He is definitely keeping us on our toes.

Height: 33inches (98%)
Weight 23lbs (54%)

We have a tall, skinny kid with a small head.  But wow, is he cute!

Thursday, February 4, 2016


With the weather being insanely nice on a weekend in January, we really took advantage.  Besides the Transportation Museum we decided to try out some of those Christmas presents.  Both boys received bicycles from Santa.  Gabriel got a balance bike - no peddles and he just pushes with his feet.  Bennett received a tricycle that has a handle for us to push him along. 

Both bikes were huge hits in San Antonio and we got decent play time out of them while we were down there.  But they have just kinda sat in the garage since we got home.  And then the weather was 50s and dry and we were outside enjoying them.

Gabe thinks his balance bike is a motorcycle or Vespa and keeps his feet up while Scott pushes him, everywhere.  Bennett just sits on his set enjoying the ride.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Ever since Gabe was really little, maybe 5 months old, and we started his bedtime routine, we read him books.  Gabriel has always loved books and having them read to him.  It's still part of is bedtime routine.  Bennett has trouble staying awake and it has just been easier to put him straight to bed.  Now that Bennett isn't nursing to sleep, Scott is getting some great one on one time with him and reading to him before putting him down. 

This is all happening while Gabe and I are reading my old Berenstain Bear books.  Gabriel cannot get enough of these books, and as I read them as an adult I love the message in every book.  We have at least 25 books and Gabe is engrossed every night and has to read himself to sleep(just like his dad).

Since the new bedtime routine, Bennett can be seen with more and more books.  Scott and I could not be happier with this change.  And besides, he is crazy cute when reading.
He walked in the living room and laid down and started reading

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Museum of Transportation

With the weather being AH-Maz-Ing,last weekend, we finally took a trip to the Museum of Transportation.  I knew this would be a place that Gabe would love to explore.  It didn't let us down.  There was a model train on the inside and a bunch of interesting things to read, one day we'll have to try to read everything.  The real fun was outside.  There were a bunch of trains for us to climb, explore, ring bells and to just run!  The boys, Scott and I had so much fun.  We will be back for sure. 

That's a BIG train

Rocky, run down the track

Of course we had to play trains when we got home