I've been settling into my new life in St. Louis and have still be fairly busy on the weekends. I was able to get a little babysitting and bond with the Birch children. I was, also, able to celebrate Benton's 13th birthday! The last birthday of his that I attended...he turned 2.
This weekend was
Zootini. A social event held at the

Living World in the
St. Louis Zoo for young zoo members. The theme was Stayin' Alive and a few people took that to heart. The band and DJ were great. Lots of polyester and platform boots to be seem and even a pimp made an appearance. After everyone had a few cocktails in their system they dance floor was packed.
I finally made it to visit Zia Julie. She attended an auction at
St. Ambrose the previous night and came home with a white poodle named Muffy. She is pretty cute and very well trained for a rescue dog. I was able to get a free helping of Risott spend a little time catching up.